So, what are the file sizes of 1.cache.html through 5.cache.html ? I am
guessing they are very small as compared to c.cache.html...

If that's the case, your code-splitting methodology has problems. The last
fragment is the 'leftover' fragment. Any code fragment which is being used
by more than one async block ends up in the leftover fragment.

Couple of recommendations -

   1. What pattern are you using to split your code base?
   I would recommend using the Async Provider pattern. Its the only thing
   that worked reliably for me.
   2. Have you yet run the soyc dashboard?
   If not, you should absolutely do so. This paragraph from the
   CodeSplitting wiki applies to you.

>    A less common example is that you expected an item to be exclusive to
>    some split point, but actually it's only included in leftover fragments. In
>    this case, browse to the item via the "total program" code subset. You will
>    then get a page describing where the code of that item ended up. If the 
> item
>    is not exclusive to any split point, then you will be shown a list of all
>    split points. If you click on any of them, you will be shown a dependency
>    chain for the item that does not include the split point you selected. To
>    get the item exclusive to some split point, choose a split point, click on
>    it, and then break a link in the dependency chain that comes up.

The Code Splitting documentation can be found here -


2010/1/5 Raul <>

> Hello all,
> I am developing a Database application using GWT. From very initial
> stage I was having slow loading problem in my app and now, as the
> volume and number of files gradually increasing, it is becoming
> worsened in terms of loading. Now my application is taking more than a
> minute, sometimes even more than 2 minutes to load the application in
> client.
> I have modified my coding style by best possible way I can, but it is
> not helping me out any ways to reduce the loading time.
> I have 6 .cache.html file in my application_name folder [which are
> generated by GWT compiler] each having average 7.5 MB in size.
> Please help me out in this issue, otherwise choosing GWT for building
> my application will turns out to be a wrong decision.
> Thanks in advance.
> Raul
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