To achieve an old-school HTML behavior of GWT App, I use Vertical/
Horizontal Panels and of course HTMLPanel (which contains the
UiBinder's widgets code).
On 26 май, 12:33, googelybear <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing a webapp that should "behave" like a traditional web
> page, meaning that when the content grows in height the browser should
> display a vertical scroll bar. Unfortunately I was foolish and jumped
> right in on the new, shiny layout panels. As I found out later these
> are not suitable for me, as they create a more "application-like" look
> and feel with scrollbars displayed in the individual gwt panels
> instead of the browser (try resizing e.g. google wave -> When the
> available area is too small scrollbars will appear inside all the
> panels, the browser will never display any scrollbars) and also they
> are working with lots of fixed sizes (in my case the content is
> dynamic).
> I tried to achieve the traditional behavior with my LayoutPanels but
> failed. I couldn't get the browser to display scrollbars, only inner-
> panel scrolling, and stuffing a layoutpanel inside a scrollpanel is
> not the desirable approach (stuffing layout panels inside non-layout
> panels usually ended badly for me..).
> So my conclusion is to revert to the "old school" panels. But I am
> afraid that support of these will be dropped soon. What do you think?
> Are there better alternatives? Anyone fought with a similar problem?
> thanks for any suggestions,
> Dennis

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