On 20 juil, 01:23, Blagoja Chavkoski <baze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some small question related to events..but other way around:
> How can we fire a native(browser) event in gwt 2.xx ?!  On 1.6 there was a
> method.Document.fireXXXEvent
> but not in the newer relies.

DomEvent.fireNativeEvent would call the appropriate handlers on the
given HasHandlers; or Element.dispatchEvent to really dispatch the
event at the DOM level (with bubbling et al.).

There's some ongoing work to have EventTarget implement the same
methods as the same-name interface from DOM3EVENTS, i.e. hold the
dispatchEvent method; so it might be a little different again in GWT
2.1 (though I doubt the current interface will go away, maybe just be

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