You mean how I *did* implement it? ;-)

Using the same pattern as the Expenses sample:

   1. out HTML host page (the one calling the *.nocache.js) is protected 
   with a simple servlet FORM authentication 
   (<login-config><auth-method>FORM</...> in the web.xml); nothing special 
   2. the server returns a known error response for unauthenticated requests 
   (i.e. a 401 status code, I didn't include a WWW-Authenticate header which is 
   in violation of HTTP, but it just works so...), this is done in a servlet 
   Filter, where I simply check for request.getUserPrincipal() != null. This 
   has really nothing specific to RequestFactory, and we use it with other 
   XMLHttpRequest-driven requests too.
   3. the client handles the known error response in a custom 
   RequestTransport (in our case, for the time being, we simply Window.alert() 
   the user, prompting him to refresh the page to re-authenticate)

(BTW, thank you for the "expert" qualifier ;-) )

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