You're problem is two fold. As already mentioned you need to be auto logging 
the user back in when they refresh the page. Think about how any other ajax 
app works, including the newer version of google groups. I'm logged in and 
if I hit F5 I stay logged in. There has to be a session cookie and the app 
checks to see if that cookie exists (then it hasn't expired) and then load 
up that user's user-specific data. The user shouldn't see the log in page 
again unless the cookie has expired. So make sure you know how and when the 
session cookie expires. 20 minutes since last user activity is usually the 
earliest a session cookie expires, but you have to choose how long it is. 
Nothing wrong with having an indefinitely long session (never expires) if 
the site doesn't contain highly sensitive information (banking, etc).

The next part of the problem is that you don't like it that you are losing 
not only the history state (the "page" the user had navigated to in the web 
app) but you are also losing the user specific data that is stored in JS 
variables. You need to control both of these. You need your history 
management to read the hash value in the URL and rebuild the site to the 
"page" the user had been at before the page refresh. Not exactly easy to do, 
but you're gonna have to get that working.

Next, you're going to have to decide how you want to maintain those 
variables that are in JS. There are typically 3 options. Cookies, server 
session/DB storage, or local storage. I don't know anything about local 
storage, since it's pretty brand new (I know chrome supports it, but I don't 
know what other browsers do, if any (the others probably do or will soon)). 
Cookies are easy and not a bad option depending on the usage. You could use 
them as temporary storage so that refreshing the page wouldn't kill all the 
work done by the user. But you'd need to be sure you don't leave any cookies 
lying around as the user navigates the app. Each "page" of your app could 
store values entered in cookies until they click the Save/Cancel button, at 
which point you delete the cookies. Make sure you delete those cookies when 
the user simply navigates away to another "page" on your app. Remember, 
cookies are sent along with any and all server requests, so if you've got 
200 cookies, they are all going to go on the ride on a simple RPC and 
seriously increase traffic latency.

The most common solution is storing the values on the server. You can easily 
RPC user entered data to the server between user entries with tons of time 
to spare. User input is so slow compared to simple RPC service requests. The 
same idea as saving and deleting cookies applies here. It's just temporary 
session data that shouldn't persist between "pages" otherwise it's a waste 
of memory. Although, it's a pretty good idea to basically do away with the 
Save button by simply saving the user entered data straight away to the 
server DB, rather than just saving it as temporary session data. Then you 
don't even have to worry about managing the temporary data. This is what I 
highly recommend. But it depends on the app and what you are trying to 

Lastly, I do know of a fool proof way to prevent any attempts to leave the 
website you are on, including refreshes or even changing the URL in the 
address bar. However this is BAD and you most definitely should NOT be doing 
that in your scenario. You need to implement something along the lines of 
what I've already said, because that's how everyone else does it.


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