I do see part of the problem. When I open the attached code, the size
showing for "rp" and "p" is "(0,0)". Can anyone guess what might be
causing this? If I set the sizes of "rp" and "p" respectively to
500,500 and 400,400, I now see more than the black square. However, I
still don't see the split panel controls in the preview window. Nor do
I see "navigation", "list" or "details" on the preview screen.
Hopefully, this will give someone a clue as to what my problem might
be. Sure hope so. I'm trying to convince others to use GWT Designer
and this might pose a problem.... Thanks

On Feb 22, 8:39 am, cri <chuck.irvine...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm stumped. A number of the GWT widgets don't show up correctly in my
> GWT Designer design window or the preview window. As an example, the
> code below produces a very small black dot in the design window and
> nothing shows up in the preview window. The odd thing is, the same
> thing works as expected for me on my computer at home. Both at home at
> work I'm using the same versions of stuff (see below) with one
> exception. At home I use Windows 7 and at work Windows XP. Wouldn't
> think that that would make a difference. I've tried installing a fresh
> version of Eclipse and using a new workspace - to no avail.
> If anyone has a clue or has a trouble shooting suggestion, I'd love to
> hear it. Thanks
> Versions
> Eclipse: Helios
> GWT: 2.2
> package foo.bar.client;
> import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootLayoutPanel;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.SplitLayoutPanel;
> public class GwtApp implements EntryPoint {
>   public void onModuleLoad() {
>     // Create a three-pane layout with splitters.
>     SplitLayoutPanel p = new SplitLayoutPanel();
>     p.addWest(new HTML("navigation"), 128);
>     p.addNorth(new HTML("list"), 384);
>     p.add(new HTML("details"));
>     RootLayoutPanel rp = RootLayoutPanel.get();
>     rp.add(p);
>   }
> }

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