For an old version of WIndows like that, the two ways to fix it are to
either upgrade to Windows Vista/7 or upgrade IE to the latest.

Under Window Vista/7 we can use WebKit to render the GWT widgets, but
that is not an option under XP.

On any system that we can't use WebKit, we use the OS default browser
which happens to be IE under WIndows, Mozilla under Linux and Safari
under OSX.

Unfortunately, IE 6 does not render those new standard mode widgets

On Feb 23, 1:15 pm, cri <> wrote:
> Eric, Problem solved! Since you hinted that the version of IE might be
> a factor I upgraded from IE6 to IE8 and, hey!, the problem went away.
> Do you think this ought to be fixed in GWT Designer or since IE6 isn't
> very widely used maybe it should just be documented as an issue.
> I am curious how IE6 could affect the design and preview window. If
> IE6 were set to be the default browser on my computer it might make
> some sense. But since Chrome is my default browser, its kind of an odd
> thing.
> Anyway, I'm good now. Thanks
> On Feb 23, 7:38 am, Eric Clayberg <> wrote:
> > What version of IE are you running on both machines?
> > If you actually run the app on your XP box, do those widgets display
> > correctly?
> > On Feb 22, 12:56 pm, cri <> wrote:
> > > More info on the problem.
> > > First, and perhaps most important, the problem seems to involve all of
> > > the new layout panels: DockLayoutPanel, SplitLayoutPanel,
> > > StackLayoutPanel. I've tried those and for each the problem exists. I
> > > would guess its the same for the other new layout panels.
> > > Secondly, I've verified that the problem is not a corruption of my
> > > local environment. A co worker just downloaded the latest eclipse and
> > > gwt plugin and he has the same exact problem. He also is running
> > > Windows XP and his environment is very similar since both computers
> > > are company computers.
> > > Perhaps a defect should be opened for this.
> > > Can anyone else running Windows XP see whether they also suffer from
> > > this problem?
> > > Thanks, Chuck
> > > On Feb 22, 10:45 am, cri <> wrote:
> > > > I do see part of the problem. When I open the attached code, the size
> > > > showing for "rp" and "p" is "(0,0)". Can anyone guess what might be
> > > > causing this? If I set the sizes of "rp" and "p" respectively to
> > > > 500,500 and 400,400, I now see more than the black square. However, I
> > > > still don't see the split panel controls in the preview window. Nor do
> > > > I see "navigation", "list" or "details" on the preview screen.
> > > > Hopefully, this will give someone a clue as to what my problem might
> > > > be. Sure hope so. I'm trying to convince others to use GWT Designer
> > > > and this might pose a problem.... Thanks
> > > > On Feb 22, 8:39 am, cri <> wrote:
> > > > > I'm stumped. A number of the GWT widgets don't show up correctly in my
> > > > > GWT Designer design window or the preview window. As an example, the
> > > > > code below produces a very small black dot in the design window and
> > > > > nothing shows up in the preview window. The odd thing is, the same
> > > > > thing works as expected for me on my computer at home. Both at home at
> > > > > work I'm using the same versions of stuff (see below) with one
> > > > > exception. At home I use Windows 7 and at work Windows XP. Wouldn't
> > > > > think that that would make a difference. I've tried installing a fresh
> > > > > version of Eclipse and using a new workspace - to no avail.
> > > > > If anyone has a clue or has a trouble shooting suggestion, I'd love to
> > > > > hear it. Thanks
> > > > > Versions
> > > > > Eclipse: Helios
> > > > > GWT: 2.2
> > > > > package;
> > > > > import;
> > > > > import;
> > > > > import;
> > > > > import;
> > > > > public class GwtApp implements EntryPoint {
> > > > >   public void onModuleLoad() {
> > > > >     // Create a three-pane layout with splitters.
> > > > >     SplitLayoutPanel p = new SplitLayoutPanel();
> > > > >     p.addWest(new HTML("navigation"), 128);
> > > > >     p.addNorth(new HTML("list"), 384);
> > > > >     p.add(new HTML("details"));
> > > > >     RootLayoutPanel rp = RootLayoutPanel.get();
> > > > >     rp.add(p);
> > > > >   }
> > > > > }

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