With ValueProxy, you can with RequestFactory do everything you would with 
GWT-RPC (well, with the major exception of polymorphism –though this will be 
fixed soon– and "transportable types" –which don't include java.util.Map for 
instance, though once again will be fixed in due time–).
GWT-RPC can also be a real pain (particularly with non-web apps) as the 
client and server must be compiled from the exact same code or they won't be 
able to deserialize what the other end point sent. And I can assure you'll 
likely hit those even while developing your app! RF on the other hand makes 
migrations easier (no serialization policy files, to begin with).
But honestly, if you want to build an Android app, I wonder why you 
hesitate: support for GWT-RPC from Java is not official, and likely to break 
with a future version of GWT, whereas Android is officially a target plaform 
for RF. Just use ValueProxy all over the place if you don't need 
EntityProxy, it'll be just like RPC.

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