
I've created a test case of my CellTable issue as a self contained
panel that can easily be imported into any project:


Basically I have two Date class fields in my row model, a startDate
and an endDate. Each Date has two columns in the CellTable (called
batchTable), one to display the actual date (a DatePickerCell) and the
other being a text input cell for the time.

When the FieldUpdater of the startTime or endTime is fired we parse
the value, save the new time and call batchTable.setRowData() with the
updated object and row index.

The problem is that when FieldUpdater is fired, the cells do not
update. I specifically edited the FieldUpdater of the endTime cell to
be an hour later than what it was set at.

I've checked as best as I can that all the gets and sets of the
respective startDate and endDate are in order, but I'm thinking that
there's something about CellTable I'm not getting.

Apologies if I've missed anything.

I'm running:
GWT 2.3

I've tested it in the latest Chrome and IE9.


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