Hello again Juan (and all :)),

In an attempt to solve this problem:
I decided to implement one of my services as RPC instead of RF. Then,
I started having this Hibernate issue again. I remembered you had done
your filtering in RPC so I decided I was going to check your code
again to see what I could cop...I mean, inspire myself with. :D

Looking to your code I realized you had redefined a big chunk of GWT
code. One has to redefine all that classes if the only thing one wants
is to add filtering to each object being serialized? There's no other
easier way, like there's for RequestFactory with its
ServiceLayerDecorator? I don't feel comfortable with the idea of
redoing what's already done (and maintained!) by the GWT team.

Thank you all

On Sep 9, 1:50 pm, Juan Pablo Gardella <gardellajuanpa...@gmail.com>
> Hi Tiago,
> I use JPA2 (with Hibernate as a provider) in a GWT application. I use a 
> *Filter
> *that put to null uninitialized properties in a transparent manner. So if
> you in service layer don't initialize the properties, this filter solve the
> problem of serialization. Check this
> thread<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/browse_thread/threa...>
> .
> Juan
> 2011/9/9 Tiago <cave...@gmail.com>
> > On Sep 9, 10:31 am, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > .with() has nothing to do with lazy-loading or "lazy initialization
> > > exceptions"; it's only about what goes over the wire, and what's
> > available
> > > on the client-side.
> > Right, but if I haven't explicitly said that a certain property is
> > going over the wire, then why is GWT accessing it with this
> > AutoBeanVisitor?
> > > I don't know Gilead (and I actually don't use JPA or JDO, but if I had
> > to, I
> > > wouldn't use lazy-loading, it causes much more burden than what it's
> > > supposed to "solve", it's not worth it, it's a lie, it's
> > counterproductive
> > > in the long run; JPA/JDO, like much "enterprisey" things, are
> > > over-engineered and much too complicated to get them to work unless
> > you're
> > > an expert in the field).
> > You might have a good point there, but I'm not likely to remove
> > Hibernate from this app.
> > Many problems would be solved if Hibernate just automatically removed
> > every instrumentation it does on entities after they're detached. I
> > asked about Gilead because apparently that's what it does, but I
> > haven't found any examples of somebody mixing Gilead and RF.
> > Thank you,
> > Tiago.
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