First, the widgets look fantastic.  Great job there.

My issue would be w/ keying time into the time pickers.  It's a little 
wonky, in that, you can't click into the textfield and just key "17:45".  
You have to make sure to click the cursor after the hour, then type 17 and 
the click the mouse again to move it to the end of the minutes and key your 
minutes.  It's a bit cumbersome and somewhat counterintuitive.  I'm also 
not really a fan of input widgets that modify your text as you're typing.  
Go ahead and change it after the widget looses focus, but modifying as I'm 
typing has a jaring effect on me.

One suggestion, allow using the mouse wheel to roll the hour / minute 
values up or down.  Along the lines of this:

On Tuesday, April 10, 2012 7:02:47 AM UTC-4, ctasada wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just published the first version of GWT-Eureka. This is a new library 
> for GWT widgets that are not big enough to fit anywhere else.
> Right now you can find the next components:
> * TimePicker: As the name says, a time picker, where you can type hours 
> and minutes
> * iOSButton: A button with support for badges, like in iOS
> * ExtendedDatePicker: An extended DatePicker, where you can choose  the 
> valid start/end dates
> You can find more info here: 
> source code here:
> demo here:
> This is just a first release candidate. I'll keep working to improve it 
> and make it production ready, but I really look forward for your comments 
> and suggestions
> Regards,
> Carlos.

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