On Friday, May 25, 2012 1:18:38 PM UTC+2, Jens wrote:
> Also thought about it how to make reloading a page faster in dev mode.
> If I understand you correctly, one should create multiple EntryPoints + 
> Host Pages for development where each EntryPoint only shows a subset of the 
> complete application?
> So it would look like:
> - libfeature1.gwt.xml (no entry point and is included in 
> ProductionApp.gwt.xml)
> - devfeature1.gwt.xml (inherits libfeature1 and has an entry point that is 
> able to present feature1)
> and each feature/screen/whatever has its own GinModule, right?

Basically, yes.
But you don't have to go as small as a "screen" per "test harness".

> @Joseph: How do you precompile modules to JavaScript and then reuse it? Or 
> did I misunderstood you?

Maybe he's talking about com.google.gwt.dev.CompileModule, which is 
basically running the Precompile phase of a GWT compilation and serializing 
the resulting AST into a *.gwtar file. You'll find such *.gwtar files in 
gwt-user.jar starting with GWT 2.4 (maybe 2.3), but the *.gwtar files are 
very dependent upon the version of GWT, so it's not a portable thing. 
AFAIK, it was thought out to speed up gwt-user.jar, not for general 

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