
I recently found this topic about Super Dev Mode appearing in GWT 2.5.
I am happy that new way of debugging is coming to the GWT development 
But I am not happy that there are plans to discard current DevMode in the 
future. At least, each official mentioning of SuperDevMode means that it 
will replace current DevMode.

If this is true, then I am not happy at all.

Debugging in the IDE of choice was always top feature of GWT for me. 
Ability to freely navigate code, use typesafe autocompletion in evaluate 
expression boxes, drop stack frame feature and all other hundreds of 
java-specific little features is great joy. Forcing developers to discard 
all this and be tied to browser is at least major regress.

I could not find any discussion on this topic, if there's any, PLEASE 
direct me to the page where it all was discussed and decision was made, i 
want to see the arguments. I found only "browser plugins are instable" 
topic. But people, concept is already working satisfactory for several 
years and I don't want to lose it in future because it is not 100% perfect 
and crashes sometimes. 

Telling "source code maps are being implemented in browsers at the moment" 
and at the same time arguing that SuperDevMode will make us 
browser-independent seems like lame joke. At least, not all browsers will. 
But even if all major browsers (Chrome, FF, Safari, IE) will, source maps 
is only part of the picture. The debugging in all browsers has its own 
interface, keymaps etc, and, as I wrote above it never compares to the 
IDE/Native java debugging. In other words, it does not compare!

TLDR: questions:
1) Is it true that SuperDevMode will replace DevMode
2) If yes, then for the sake of God, why such regress?


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