I think we should be trying to bring our conversation to other mailist readers. Because they have different skill about understanding what we have been discussing, So I just try to motivate them....and hope they will join with our discussion :)
Ok back to laptop. In my opinion, unbalance between hard skill and soft skill in our education will make us become "koruptor" and "markus". Faktanya : pengangguran terdidik sangat banyak dan menimbulkan kejahatan intelektual yang sangat formalistik. Bergesernya pola pendidikan yang terjadi di sejumlah perguruan tinggi di Indonesia menyebabkan perhatian mahasiswa mulai beralih pada persoalan yang sebenarnya jauh dari nuansa akademik. Negara bagai kehilangan satu generasi pemimpin yang cerdas ketika orientasi pemikiran kritis mahasiswa sudah mengarah pada hal-hal yang pragmatis. Tiada hari tanpa demonstrasi seakan telah menjadi trademark para aktivis kampus. Pola pikir mahasiswa yang kritis mulai dicemari dengan aksi politik praktis. Sumber : http://jurnalhukum.blogspot.com/2007/03/meneropong-sistem-pendidikan-di-india.html Pada akhir tahun 2008 yang lalu Salemba Study Group (SSG) mengadakan dialog akhir tahun dengan tema Meneropong Gorontalo Maju 2020. Hal ini bisa di adopsi oleh lembaga-lembaga PT di gorontalo untuk melaksanakan kegiatan yang sama. Tentunya dengan menitikberatkan materi diskusi di bidang pendidikan khususnya tentang soft skill tadi. Dengan menghadirkan pembicara seperti yang telah di sebutkan pak Ashrul sebelumnya. Apalagi mengingat UNG yang dulunya berbasis pendidikan pasti sangat berkompeten untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan tersebut. Mungkin hanya itu dulu sekedar sumbang pikiran yang bisa saya tulis hari ini. Sorry if wrote in bahasa supaya ada tanggapan dari yang lain. Odu olo ________________________________ Dari: M. Ashrul <m_ash...@yahoo.com> Kepada: gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com Terkirim: Sen, 26 April, 2010 14:17:09 Judul: Re: Bls: Bls: [GM2020] Bercermin pada Mutu Pendidikan India Dear Pak Sofyan (Pak Uyan?), Highly appreciate your kind reply, and most importantly you response by sharing your valuable thought on how we can address this "higher aducation" related matter. Let's not talk about english now as it is not really the issue as long as you and I (and the other mailist 'viewers') can understand the essence of what we are discussing. :-) Now, I'm not going to literally "talk" about the Hard Skills that you just mentioned below since it's beyond my capacity. The existence of people like MY and Pak SQB, to name a few, are the cause of why education must run well in UNG (and hopefully in many other higher education body in Gorontalo as well), and definitely this has everything to do with the hard skills. Subsequently, about Soft Skills, this actually is possible to be somewhat accelerated. I suppose you've heard about general public lecture whereby one university called in or invited their alumni (or other prominent person) to talk and share their knowledge and experience in front of the students. I think this one can be adopted to be realised there in UNG. Trust that we have many prominent Gorontaloneses who are highly eligible to be the honorary guest lecturer. To name some of them: Om Bakrie Arbie, Om Arie Pedju, OH, OH's son, Danny Pomanto, Om Toti Lamusu (why not? he's good!), Ka AGA, and so many others. The question remains though is how much that UNG is willing to "invest" in order to accommodate those people to come? Although, some of them shall be more than happy to present without bothering about the "pay" they will get in return :-) I believe the students can get many insightful stories which could enrich their soft skills for their future readyness. Just my 2 cents, Pak Sofyan. Wassalam warahmatullah. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Sofyan Uli <sofyan...@yahoo. co.id> To: gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 8:58:49 AM Subject: Bls: Bls: [GM2020] Bercermin pada Mutu Pendidikan India Thanks pak Asrul for your stimulate the discussion in english... I agree that the majority of the newly graduated from college in Indonesia, not ready for work especially if we view from the aspect of her soft skills. This occurs because there are too dominant academic culture than the establishment of interpersonal skills on campus. In fact, industry providers are generally more in need graduates who not only has the technical ability appropriate academic (hard skill), but also aspects of good soft skills. Hard skills could be prepared, that we obtained through lectures. However, soft skills acquired through learning by doing. Further the ability of soft skills determine in work competition. In principle, the domain of the workforce is interact with many people. That' s why we need the universal language. The world has changed. We can no longer live alone in our country anymore. If you want to learn the world you need to learn english. We can open ourselves to the world and the only way we can connect to the world is to the unviersal language. India, malaysia, singapure has began, we are just starting. That's it from me...I hope this discussion can stimulate other member to speak and write in english. Odu olo, Sofyan PS : Correct me if I'm wrong ____________ _________ _________ __ Dari: M. Ashrul <m_ash...@yahoo. com> Kepada: gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com Terkirim: Sab, 24 April, 2010 23:19:00 Judul: Re: Bls: [GM2020] Bercermin pada Mutu Pendidikan India Dear Ikubaru- San & Pak Sofyan, Just a small comment here. I kindly tried to stimulate the discussion in english on some previous topics only to find myself being 'kindly warned' by one of the mailist member that : "Not all members here can comprehend english!" So? Back to the topic. Let's just say that currently I've had a fortunate circumstance whereby I've had to encounter many Indians with regards to work. A small comment from me is that our (in this case represented by "my") level of intelligence do not fall far from their level of comprehension especially related to work affairs. And this can even be extended to many of my countrymen who're also working together with me. It's true that in term of english literacy we have a lot to catch up with, while those Indians were far more ready. To cut this short, Indians are ready to "sell" themselves right after graduation day whereas us do not know how to. Hope this small insight can bring another side of thought as to how we need to look on our higher education achievement. Sorry, if this writing does not bring any new idea to the table. Wassalam warahmatullah. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: Sofyan Uli <sofyan...@yahoo. co.id> To: gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Sat, April 24, 2010 11:04:31 AM Subject: Bls: [GM2020] Bercermin pada Mutu Pendidikan India Iya betul skali ... bahasa inggris sangat penting. saya pernah bertemu dgn org india. Bahasa inggrisnya sangat fasih, jelas skali dengan ciri khas logat indianya. Jadi kita org indonesia khususnya gtlo, jangan malu untuk berbicara bhs inggris walau salah2. Campur2 juga tidak apa2. Bahkan kalo bisa dengan ciri khas logat inggris gtlo hehehehe. Kalo ada yg bilang dengan belajar bhs inggris mengurangi rasa nasionalisme kita. Mereka salah besar. Lihat saja malaysia, singapura, philipina. Apakah rasa nasionalisme berkurang? Justru dengan kemampuan yang bagus dalam berbahasa Inggris, tenaga kerja mereka dihargai lebih tinggi dari kita. Miris memang..padahal dilihat dari etos kerja kita jauh lebih baik dari mereka. Skali2 kita mungkin perlu berdiskusi di milis ini dalam bahasa inggris. Saya liat udah ada beberapa member yang memulainya. Tapi walaupun kita harus bisa berbahasa Inggris tentunya juga harus fasih berbahasa ibu. (Bhs gorontalo). Dan juga bahasa indonesia supaya kita bisa menulis dgn baik dan benar seperti saya ini :D ____________ _________ _________ __ Dari: Iqbal <kaizen...@yahoo. com> Kepada: "gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com" <gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com> Terkirim: Jum, 23 April, 2010 23:39:33 Judul: Re: [GM2020] Bercermin pada Mutu Pendidikan India Artikel yang menarik.. Satu hal yang menonjol dari India dibanding negara2 berkembang lain adalah kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dan mereka benar2 mengoptimalkan kelebihan ini dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Iqbal Sent from my iPhone