#31: data elements for ALS cohort characterization
 Reporter:  dconnolly                |       Owner:  jhe
     Type:  design-issue             |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                    |   Milestone:  data-agg1
Component:  data-stds                |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  als-cohort methods-core  |  Blocked By:  63
 Blocking:                           |

Comment (by jhe):

 Drs Jeffrey Statland, John Chen, Scott Koertner, and Wendy He had a
 meeting this afternoon, discussing the progress of the ALS cohort
 characterization and future steps. Jeff gave a lot insignts on what would
 be interesting information for this patient population. He will come up
 with a list of prioritized variables for data query. Besides demographics,
 stand of care will be the focus of the list.

 Some trivial notes
 Demographic variables (of particular interest):
         occupation (employed or not)
         Livng situation (along or live with others, marital status) (found
 this variable in Heron but not many patients have the information)
         Economic status (may come from insurance information)

 Standar of care
         Medication (Only one FDA approved medication for ALS, but there
 are many medicaitons for specific symptoms, such as drooling, muscle
         Device: bipap
         Found ALSFRS in flowsheet and Pba (pseudo bulbar) score. Jeff will
 find out when the clinic started using these scales.

         Jeff thougt that the 1900+ ALS cases in Heron is more than
 expected. (more than half of them are dead though. But the 800 alive ones
 are also more than expected based on the patients seen in the clinic)
         John mentioned that a patient need to have at least 2 ALS
 outpatient encounters be be qualified as a ALS patients (this may reduce
 the patient volumn)
         Jeff mentioned that it is important to find out what happended to
 patients before they were diagnozed with ALS (This is regarded as research
 question that we can work on later)

        Although there is no specific diagnosis date for ALS in Heron. It
 would be interesting to show the distribition of the time difference
 between first ALS encounter and time of death. The expected median is 3

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