#31: data elements for ALS cohort characterization
 Reporter:  dconnolly                |       Owner:  jhe
     Type:  design-issue             |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                    |   Milestone:  data-agg1
Component:  data-stds                |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  als-cohort methods-core  |  Blocked By:  63
 Blocking:                           |

Comment (by dconnolly):

 Replying to [comment:21 jhe]:
 > 2.    Jeff mentioned that there is “problem list” in O2 that is easier
 for identifying comorbidities. Are they in Heron? If yes, where they are?

 Yes, the problem list is a collection of modifiers in the Diagnosis
  - Problem status
    - Active
    - Deleted
    - Resolved

 p.s. thanks for the notes; more on meds separately

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