Hello. We're about to finalize our attendee survey for Hackathon 2 in San Antonio.

1) What Hackathon 2 needs most is agenda items. Let's discuss those in this conversation thread and update this page with the results:


Please note that Hackathon 2 is not our idea, it is the idea of GPC-DEV as a group. So, if you have agenda items, now is the time to submit them. Some folks have already indicated that they won't be able to commit to attending until they see an agenda.

2) An even more timely need is what questions GPC-DEV would like added to our attendee survey. For Hackathon 1, there were a number of technical questions about site infrastructure. We more or less either know already the answers to the ones that turned out to be relevant. Here is our opportunity to piggyback whatever folks are currently curious about onto this survey.

Tom, as the leader of the QA group, what are your most urgent questions to site representatives that can be answered with a yes/no, multiple-choice, or short answer?

Whoever is the leader of the terminology alignment/data standardization effort, what are your most urgent questions to site representatives that can be answered with a yes/no, multiple-choice, or short answer?

I expect to send a survey link to this list on Monday. Thanks.

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