#145: transform (ETL) GPC i2b2 data to PCORNet CDM
 Reporter:  dconnolly     |       Owner:  ngraham
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  drn-basic-query
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  109, 225
 Blocking:  160           |

Comment (by ngraham):

 Eric !LaRose has published
 [https://bitbucket.org/erlarose/mssql_gpc_pcori_cdm mssql_gpc_pcori_cdm] -
 a project based on [https://bitbucket.org/njgraham/gpc-pcornet-cdm gpc-
 pcornet-cdm] but compatible with Microsoft SQL Server.

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