#145: transform (ETL) GPC i2b2 data to PCORNet CDM
 Reporter:  dconnolly     |       Owner:  ngraham
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  drn-basic-query
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  109, 146, 225
 Blocking:  160           |

Comment (by jdale):

 Per Dan's request during 3.3.15 GPC Dev call regarding GPC->CDM experience
 At Minnesota, instead of creating and populating database tables to match
 the PCORI CDM, we chose to develop PCORI CDM specific views on top of our
 existing production data warehouse model.

 We chose this option for two reasons:

 1.      Database storage – We currently have data for 2.2 million patients
 which equates to approximately 5.5 billon rows of data.  This takes up a
 significant amount of storage space.  Instead of creating more tables and
 table spaces to hold duplicate data,  we decide it would be more efficient
 to abstract the data to views that represent the PCORI CDM
 2.      Standards – Views have become somewhat of a standard for how we
 provide access to subsets of data from our data warehouse.  This helps
 with limiting the exposure to all of our production tables/fields as well
 simplifying many of the complex joins that may be required. Since this is
 our standard we were able to develop the PCORI CDM views rather quickly

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