#240: Data Characterization queries for phase 1 CDM V1 compliance
 Reporter:  campbell                             |       Owner:  huhickman
     Type:  task                                 |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                                |   Milestone:  drn-
Component:  data-stds                            |  query-1
 Keywords:  cdm-etl CDM Compliance data-quality  |  Resolution:
 Blocking:                                       |  Blocked By:

Comment (by huhickman):

 I've changed the script line above to be:
 sqlplus $USERNAME/$PASSWORD@$ORACLE_SID @$i | sed -e '/SQL\*Plus/d' -e
 '/Copyright/d' -e '/Connected to:/d' -e '/Disconnected/d' -e '/Oracle/d'
 -e '/^\s*$/d' > $MYFILE

 The scripts are running once more. There may be more elegant solutions,
 but `sed` works.

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