#160: reproducible GPC, CDM refresh at a critical mass of GPC sites (PMO
milestone 2.4)
 Reporter:  rwaitman         |       Owner:  tgreen
     Type:  enhancement      |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  major            |   Milestone:  data-domains3
Component:  data-stds        |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  cdm; enrollment  |  Blocked By:  145, 347
 Blocking:                   |

Comment (by jdale):

 At Minnesota we took another approach.  For CDM v1, we had planned to use
 but recently found the SAS queries performed poorly when running against
 the views.  We then made the decision to create a new schema in Oracle and
 populate/load the CDM tables from our Production Data Warehouse model.
 This is the same approach we use for populating/loading i2b2, only
 difference being that we use MS SQL Server for i2b2.

 All of our data mappings from Clarity > Production DW > CDM v3 & i2b2
 (which leverages a lot of the shared ETL code) are managed within our
 custom meta-data management tool so I feel this gives us the capability to
 respond quickly to any changes.

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