#545: Study sample and DM sample definition for next-d
 Reporter:  dconnolly     |       Owner:  dconnolly
     Type:  task          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  next-d
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  546, 551, 571
 Blocking:                |
Description changed by dconnolly:

Old description:

> A draft of detailed SQL code is available in
> `NextDextractionCode_12.1.16.sql​` attached to #539.
> The task is to collect these data from the 7 participating GPC sites
> (ticket:398#comment:10).
> Note the use of SFTP site provided by Northwestern rather than GPC REDCap
> (#542).

New description:

 The task is to collect these data from the 7 participating GPC sites

 For an overview of the project and our role in it, see discussion in
   - [http://listserv.kumc.edu/pipermail/gpc-dev/2016q4/003463.html 20 Dec
 gpc-dev meeting notes]

 A draft of detailed SQL code is available in
 `NextDextractionCode_12.1.16.sql​` attached to #539.

 Note the use of SFTP site provided by Northwestern rather than GPC REDCap


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