#280: Medication ontology orgainzed by ingredient
 Reporter:  preeder      |       Owner:  jay.pedersen
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  snow-shrine-2
Component:  data-stds    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:               |

Comment (by campbell):

 SCILHS/Medication metadata issues addressed with load to BABEL toiday:
 •       SCILHS medication metadata subset only includes 40,617,709 of UNMC
 60,955,630  prescriptions and pharmacy dispense data
 •       Many historical RXNORM and NDC codes no longer in active use are
 not found in SCILHS even though we have valid observation facts in i2b2
 •       UMLS metathesaurus does not provide history mechanism for RXNORM
 or NDC
 •       NLM willing to expand RXCLASS API to include history mechanisms
 but not deployed yet; they provided work-around for this load until API
 •       VA drug classes are SCILHS/SHRINE preferred top level ontology for
 browsing and querying clinical medication events but that is static scheme
 as of 12/31/2017
 •       VA drug classes deploy different ingredient-level subsets of codes
 based upon clinical indication
 •       (therefore) with VA drug classes as sole top-level ontology, not
 all clinical formulations or packages can be deployed
 •       Other top-level classifications for medications, like ATC, have
 similar limitations

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