#708: Kidney Health CRG Pilot - Information Gathering
 Reporter:  lv         |       Owner:  lv
     Type:  task       |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor      |   Milestone:  gpc-phase2-h6
Component:  dev-tools  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:             |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:             |

Comment (by lv):

 Mei is hoping to have an answer from sites on the questions below by
 '''Tuesday, July 31'''. if this ticket isn't updated, you'll be prompted
 to respond on the call.

 ||Site||Database (Oracle/SQL)||R available for this study (Y/N)||
 ||MCW|| ? || ? ||
 ||MCRI|| SQL || ? ||
 ||UIOWA|| ? || ? ||
 ||UMN|| ? ||?||

Ticket URL: 
gpc-informatics <http://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/>
Greater Plains Network - Informatics
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