#711: External Validation for Acute Kidney Injury(AKI) Predictive Models using
PCORnet CDM data
 Reporter:  meiliu        |       Owner:  xsong
     Type:  task          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  aki cdm       |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                |

Comment (by xsong):

 received feedback from UIOWA about code testing and made the following
 change dbSendQuery to dbSendUpdate if the query is not getting any result
 --it seems both DBI and RJDBC have function dbSendQuery, with former
 performs similarly as RJDBC::dbSendUpdate. So I modified the codes as
 DBI::dbSendQuery to keep it simply (works on Oracle)

 1. use RJDBC instead of odbc
 --merged the change

 2. change tSQL parameter
 --merged the change

 1. change parameter from cdm_db_server=" " to cdm_db_server
 --modified the “cdm_db_server” to “cdm_db_name” to keep it consistent with
 the configuration file.

 2. removed wrong query if(DBMS_type=="tSQL") statements.
 --merged the change

 3. change aki_enc<-dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from AKI_onsets") to
 aki_enc<-dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from #AKI_onsets")  (temporary file
 name in oracle is AKI_onsets but #AKI_onsets in tSQL
 --merged the change

 4. change drop_temp<-paste("drop table",parse_out$tbl_out,"purge") to
 drop_temp<-paste("drop table",parse_out$tbl_out)
 --merged the change

 1. change config_file_path<-"../config.csv" to
    current directory is AKI_CDM-master
 --merged the change

 2. add extra parameter cdm_db_server=config_file$cdm_db_server in function
    pass database and schema name.
 --changed the parameter name to “cdm_db_server” to “cdm_db_name” to be
 consistent with configuration file

 3. run names(consort_tbl) = toupper(names(consort_tbl)) change column name
 of table consort_tbl to upper case
 --merged the change

 Error: “Per Gi-Yung,  the consort_tbl has 16 columns but in the VIZ.r file
 when it attempts to apply labels to the consort_tbl it thinks there are
 only 15 columns”
 --fixed by removing one exclusion chunk from

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