#711: External Validation for Acute Kidney Injury(AKI) Predictive Models using
PCORnet CDM data
 Reporter:  meiliu        |       Owner:  xsong
     Type:  task          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  aki cdm       |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                |

Comment (by dconnolly):

 Replying to [comment:7 xsong]:
 > received feedback from UIOWA about code testing and made the following
 fixes (updated 09/13/2018)
 > {{{
 > util.R
 > 1. use RJDBC instead of odbc
 > --merged the change
 > (line: 24-32, connect_to_db())
 > ...
 > }}}
 > ... more detailed change log

 That log of changes is particularly handy to have in the git history.

 6940fe7 commit message] says "... based on UIOWA's feedback" but it's not
 clear without more context what that feedback is.

   Note: references to tickets from code are OK, but only in a
 supplementary role; they should not be essential to understanding the
 purpose or design of the code. --

Ticket URL: 
gpc-informatics <http://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/>
Greater Plains Network - Informatics
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