Hello Shao,

> PXELINUX is almost always a file called pxelinux.0.  Simply load it
> from gPXE in the same way as you were trying to load hdt.c32. 
> Please use a modern version of PXELINUX and not an old one.  - Shao

Thx, works. hdt boots via PXELINUX

Another 2 questions:

If I set pxelinux.0 directly as the pxe boot file it loads config from
/pxelinux.cfg/default as expected 
default hdt
label hdt
  KERNEL hdt.c32
  APPEND auto='dump'
but if I use gpxe to load pxelinux via
imgfetch tftp://
boot pxelinux.0
it trys to load from pxelinux.cfg/<SYSUUID>
which fails, because file name <SYSUUID> didn't exist

Any idea why?

2. why imgfetch tftp:// finds pxelinux.0 but
imgfetch pxelinux.0 didn't?
As far as I understand "pxelinux.0" should be simple path and it
should be the same than tftp://
my tftp & dhcp-server is


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