
there currently two ways

1) add vector map layer into the layer tree, right click and from
contextual menu choose 'Start editing'

2) select in Map display window toolbar 'Digitize' (the last tool in
the toolbar), then from enabled vdigit toolbar choose vector map layer
you want to edit (this map must be present the current layer tree). I
remember there was bug on Mac connected to wxComboBox inside wxToolbar
instance. So maybe you cannot see these comboboxes in the toolbars.
Then first way should work for you.


2008/3/9, William Kyngesburye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm testing a possible solution to compiling the wx vdigit on OSX, but
>  I can't figure out how to start it.
>  In the wx gui, Vector->Develop vector map->Digitize vector map runs
>  the TclTk v.digit, not the wxpython digitizer.  I have my vdigit test
>  built and it looks like it's installed (etc/wxpython/vdigit/
>  _grass6_wxvdigit.so and grass6_wxvdigit.py).  I don't see anything in
>  bin/ or scripts/ that looks like it might run vdigit.
>  -----
>  William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>
>  http://www.kyngchaos.com/
>  "I ache, therefore I am.  Or in my case - I am, therefore I ache."
>  - Marvin
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