Hi William,

2008/3/9, William Kyngesburye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  >> Here is what I did to get it compiled: since _gdi_.so is technically
>  >> an extension to [wx]Python, I figure that it should get loaded (maybe
>  >> automatically?) by wxPython.  So instead of directly linking it into
>  >> vdigit, I used an OSX linker flag "-undefined dynamic_lookup" to tell
>  >> the linker that the gdi.so symbols will be found at runtime.
>  >
>  > Hm, the last days I have not so much time to work on this, the way you
>  > suggest maybe could solve it.
> I'm guessing "import wx" should import _gdi and load _gdi_.so, since
>  _core imports _gdi.  Didn't help with the init_grass6_wxvdigit error.

yes, it should work, I have tried few days ago but I always get error
something like

grass6_wxvdigit.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10wxPseudoDC9AddToListEP5pdcOp

Can you send me your Mac-related Makefile for inspiration?

Thanks, Martin

Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
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