On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Markus Metz
> <markus.metz.gisw...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> the list of blocker and critical tickets for 6.4.2 is reassuringly short:
> Here some more issues (GRASS 6.4 bugs and wishes from Geostat2011):
Some of the new wxGUI features are experimental. If we decide on
feature freeze, these features must be removed. If we decide on
keeping and fixing them, this will delay the 6.4.2 release because the
time needed to fix them is a function of the number of devs looking at
these features x the time these devs have x the complexity of these

New features in the wxGUI are often applied to all branches at once
and haven't enjoyed a lot of testing. IMHO this is a question of
keeping this door to 6.4.2 open or close it.
> *. hard-coded file extensions in wxGUI raster import, breaks with
> non-standard suffix + raster importer: .asc is not supported for
> ArcINFO ASCII files when using directory bulk import
> --> we would need a list of allowed extensions per format (see
> gui/wxpython/gui_modules/gselect.py)
The new raster importer is fairly new and experimental and somehow
sneaked into 6.4.2

> * raster importer: when changing format, the selected directory is
> cleared but should remain
> --> open
The new raster importer is fairly new and experimental and somehow
sneaked into 6.4.2
The standard r.in.gdal GUI works fine.
> * graphical modeler: dynamically read in module list + path
> --> the locally installed Addons are not shown in the list.
> ==> right, addons are also not shown in the search tree or the menu,
> please report it on trac
> Reported as: http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1420
> --> open
The new graphical modeler is fairly new and experimental and somehow
sneaked into 6.4.2
> * display of attrcol in windows wxGUI crashes (d.vect)
> --> open
This is #1184, right? Should be fixed together with #1158, to be confirmed.
> * wxGUI windows: manuals tab: bind arrow keys / pgup / pgdown to
> scrolling for easier navigation
> - ML: it's working for me, you just need to click on the manual for
> the focus. Do you mean to set the focus automatically when the page is
> entered?
> - MM: this focus thing is a bit difficult, and dangerous to fiddle
> around with because MS Windows has different focus  handling than
> Linux/Mac --> preserve portability
> --> open
I tend to say --> won't fix or worksforme because in MS Windows you
have to set the focus manually to a window before you can use arrow
keys / pgup / pgdown / tab to navigate between fields within that
window. If that is changed, the default OS behaviour is changed which
is probably causing confusion and trouble.

Markus M
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