> >#1110     v.rast.stats locks up on wingrass
> >  --> I would suggest to replace v.rast.stats with
> > v.rast.stats2 from addons with has enjoyed more
> > maintenance and testing in the last months.

devil's advocate: not more than the script itself :)

how do the two compare performance wise? are the options/flags
100% backwards compatible? give identical results?

> > Or port some fixes from v.rast.stats2 to v.rast.stats,
> > particularly r43910.

no opinion pending review.

Helmut wrote:
> see 
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1110#comment:11
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1110#comment:16
> I've committed patches for grass64, grass65, grass79 for
> the path issue and tested an a few win-boxes. work here,
> but a little more testing is welcomed.

I strongly suspect that Helmut's fix there will also solve a
whole bunch of weird problems that people may have been
experiencing with wingrass, both reported and not.

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