This subject if interest to me.

I have read the different proposals which are interesting.

We have developped watershed analysis package of roughly 10 000 lines of code using Grass for not GIS field user. They found the package interesting by be starting curve is very difficult. We ask them to install Grass and some other libraries which is not very difficult. We ask them to put the package (Python scripts) somewhere. Starting Grass is intimedating to them.

It would nice to have the possibility to define a config file which contain the basic (projection and datum reference data for the user area) and we ask them to put it in some specific place in their dicrectory. When Grass start for the first time, it check for it and offer that possibility to the user. That config can point to some dataset. This concept can be use for the other options offered to the user. That proposal can be acheive by other means with the recipe given. The objective is to have way to define the basic for non GIS user.


P.S. I cannot access to ref [1]

Le 20-05-11 à 13 h 22, Vaclav Petras a écrit :
[Externe UL*]
Dear all,

We will meet to discuss ideas for the new startup of GRASS GIS specifically using the GUI. The meeting will be a video call on Thursday starting at 18:00 UTC.

This will be a great opportunity to welcome this year's GSoC student Linda Kladivova to our community. Linda will be working on GSoC project which is aiming to move the GUI startup screen to a next level. The GSoC project will be roughly following Proposal A3: Data tree and big buttons [1].

During the call, we will discuss this proposal and how does it relate to greater ideas about starting GRASS GIS.

The proposal A3 was developed based on painstaking discussion [3] at Community Sprint in Prague 2019 and is described in a detailed roadmap [4].

I will send a link to the call here right before the meeting. We will use Zoom.


[1] <> [2] [3] [4]

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