The link to meeting today is below. We are starting in two hours at 18:00

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 1:22 PM Vaclav Petras <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> We will meet to discuss ideas for the new startup of GRASS GIS
> specifically using the GUI. The meeting will be a video call on Thursday
> starting at 18:00 UTC.
> This will be a great opportunity to welcome this year's GSoC student Linda
> Kladivova to our community. Linda will be working on GSoC project which is
> aiming to move the GUI startup screen to a next level. The GSoC project
> will be roughly following Proposal A3: Data tree and big buttons [1].
> During the call, we will discuss this proposal and how does it relate to
> greater ideas about starting GRASS GIS.
> The proposal A3 was developed based on painstaking discussion [3] at
> Community Sprint in Prague 2019 and is described in a detailed roadmap [4].
> I will send a link to the call here right before the meeting. We will use
> Zoom.
> Best,
> Vaclav
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
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