
Although I didn't see the need to remove Python from RFC 7 (as it was 
originally formulated), there is also some logic to treat Python as a whole in 
a separate RFC. I don't have strong opinion on either way, therefore I lifted 
out Python from the draft, which now only deals with C and C++. Hopefully it 
may now be ready for vote :).

Regarding Python: I believe version support should be linked to Python 
end-of-life circle and GRASS minor version.

     On Sunday, 21 March 2021, 09:04:24 CET, Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org> 

On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 8:30 PM Veronica Andreo <veroand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> Thanks for all the feedback.
> In practical terms then, shall we:
> - remove all python references from the Language Standards draft RFC [0] and 
> vote only for C/C++, while creating a separate RFC for the minimum python 
> version?
> - add a formula that sets on which pace the minimum supported python version 
> will change to the Language Standards draft RFC [0] and vote for everything 
> altogether?

For Python support, it is worth looking at the GDAL RFC 77 which
includes useful tables and links:
- https://gdal.org/development/rfc/rfc77_drop_python2_support.html


Useful is also
- https://repology.org/project/python/versions

With respect to the pace of periodic review and updating of the
language standards support I believe that we need that at the pace of
sub-major releases (e.g., 7.8 -> 7.9). Just look back at the major
releases (https://grass.osgeo.org/about/history/releases/) we observe
quite some time span:

- (2021) GRASS GIS 8.0.0
- 2015 GRASS GIS 7.0.0
- 2005 GRASS GIS 6.0.0
- 2002 GRASS GIS 5.0.0
- 1991 GRASS 4.0
- 1988 GRASS 3.0
- 1987 GRASS 2.0
- 1984 GRASS 1.0

Hence sub-major releases might be the way to go.


> [0] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/RFC/7_LanguageStandardsSupport
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