I am trying to use d.rast.edit and I can't get it to work properly. If I open it, either from the menu, or from the command line, it seems to open fine, but the size of my overview window is much larger then the size of my screen, so I can't see much of the window. If I resize the window then I don't get any scroll bars, so that doesn't help. So I can't figure out how to get to the lower 3/4 of my image. The edit window itself seems fine, but I can't get get it to select the correct part of the image, since I can't move to it in the overview window. What might or might not be relevant is that the only menu item that appears on either window is on the edit window I have a File menu with Save and Exit.

Am I missing something? Is there any way to force the size of the window to stay on my screen? Or to force it to just show a different section? I could edit the different parts at different times if I could get to that "lower" area at all. I did try changing the region and the default region to see if that would allow me to choose a different part of the image, with no luck at all.

I am using the kyngchaos mac 6.3 binary builds with the newest Mac X11: 2.3.0 and the tcltk interface.



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