After some research, I figured out that:

1) Resolution is not really the problem, since I added a shadings
layer which shows the same impressive details level than I used to
have in old 6.23. It is really a display question.

2) Perhaps it is the graphic driver. I did not yet found the
./configure summary of the default ubuntu GRASS .deb, but I really
doubt that it is built against latest proprietary nvidia 64bits OpenGL
libs - which I did in my own compilation of 6.4RC5. Fact is that
display has changed for all GRASS operations (not only d.rast), and
even though the new display doesn't LOOK very sharp, the levels of
details is just the same, but with an impressive gain in speed.

What do you think ?


2009/8/15 Hamish <>:
> Felix wrote:
>> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
>> Files: srtm_38_03.tif
>> Size is 6000, 6000
> ....
>> 2. Region settings:
>> $g.region -p
>> rows:       31200
>> cols:       55200
> rows, cols to not match.
> try 'g.region rast=your_imported_raster_map'
> Hamish
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