> Kim Besson wrote:
> > I'm a new user of GRASS and I have downloaded grass (6.4.0~rc5-2) for
> i386 architecture from http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/grass.
> > as far as I can see GRASS by command line is working.
> > Now the problem seems to be wxpython

Micha wrote:
> Check if you have installed the package python-wxversion:
> mi...@rms:~$ dpkg -l | grep wxversion
> ii  python-wxversion

The 6.4 GRASS package there only Suggests python-wxgtk2.8 (which
depends on python-wxversion), it isn't a mandatory requirement (tcl is).
Maybe we should bump that up to "recommends".

you might have a look at the other optional packages at
and decide if you want to install them too.

(sure, it could fail in a cleaner way too!)


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