> HiAbout GRASS-dev:

I assume you mean the grass-dev ubuntu package, which contains
*.make and *.h build/header files.

> I should install this version If  I want to develop
> functions/modules in GRASS? Or the normal package is
> enough?

if you want to do any C or C++ development you should install
it, but probably you'll want to build the whole thing from
source code yourself in that case, as it is not a bad idea 
to familiarize yourself with the code layout.

for writing python scripts it is not stricktly neccessary.

in general it is recommended to develop against the latest
svn version of the code, which means building from source.

> Ah as a Normal user, I guess. Now I tried this command
> sudo grass64 -wxpython.. and It worked...
> :(Why do I need to be a super-user to run GRASS??

(still no idea)


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