Hi - I would like to do an unsupervised classification using i.cluster from GRASS 7 on my Ubuntu 64-bit machine. When I run i.cluster then i.maxlik on a Landsat image I only get one output class, the entire image. Only one class appears in the signature file so the problem is with the i.cluster step. I tried running i.cluster on different images and always get just one class.

Here is the command line I'm using:
i.cluster group=TM_r15c33@PERMANENT subgroup=AllBands signaturefile=IsoDataSigs2 classes=20 sample=5,5 convergence=99.9 min_size=10000

Is anyone able to get i.cluster to work properly? It would be helpful to know if it's a user problem or a bug.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

All the best,

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