Glynn Clements wrote:
Rainer M. Krug wrote:

I have a raster which has very large cell values (>10^10) which I can not store in the grid directly.

Do you have to use integers? A DCELL (double-precision floating point)
map can store integers up to 2^53 (~10^16) exactly.

No - I don'y have to use integers - DCELL would be fine as well. but how can I change the format? The raster is created from an imported shape file. In a second step I want to use r.reclass() to create the second raster which holds the large cell values. Can I specify in r.reclass() that the cell values should be stored as DCELL?

Therefore I have at the moment category values of 1-6 and 1 represents 10^10. As I want to use mapcalc with these values, I want to use labels to store the large numbers in, but as I have to do it for a large number of maps (which are generated during simulations) I can't do it manually by using interactively.

Therefore my question: is there a way to either store the values in the grid cell itself instead of the category value or if not, how can I create these labels non-interactively?

The cats file format is simple enough that you could generate it from
a script. See the cats files for the sample datasets (e.g. Spearfish)
for examples.

Generating a cats file using the libgis functions is also quite
straightforward e.g.:

        const char *map_name = "outmap";
        const char title[] = "title string";
        const char *labels[NUM_CATS] = { ... };
        struct Categories cats;

        G_init_cats(0, title, &cats);

        for (i = 0; i < NUM_CATS; i++)
                G_set_cat(i, (char *) labels[i], &cats);

        G_write_cats ((char *) map_name, &cats);

Thanks - but as you suggested above, the DCELL solution appeals more to me.

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