Glynn Clements wrote:
Rainer M Krug wrote:

I have a raster which has very large cell values (>10^10) which I can not store in the grid directly.
Do you have to use integers? A DCELL (double-precision floating point)
map can store integers up to 2^53 (~10^16) exactly.
No - I don'y have to use integers - DCELL would be fine as well. but how can I change the format? The raster is created from an imported shape file. In a second step I want to use r.reclass() to create the second raster which holds the large cell values. Can I specify in r.reclass() that the cell values should be stored as DCELL?

No, at present, reclass maps are restricted to integers.
That's a pitty - it would be nice to have an option to specify that the reclassified raster map holds floats instead.

But, if you're creating a reclass map, you can use r.reclass to set
the category labels when the map is created.

Thanks - how could I have missed that? I read the manual page several times...

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