Hi there

Let me confess that I have an agenda of wanting graylog-web to support 
SAML, but from my google-ing about I can also see others have asked for 
Kerberos, Basic, etc authentication to be added to graylog-web. 

That is actually sounding like a whole lot of work... I was wondering if an 
alternative would be to make it "somebody else's problem". ie put a web 
server (like apache) in front of graylog-web, and configure it with any of 
the thousand authentication systems it supports - and configure apache to 
reflect that "user metadata" via HTTP headers - so that graylog-web can 
just use that instead

eg the following pseudo-code would make apache support SAML (via 
mod_auth_mellon) and push some of the SAML-gained account data to 
graylog-web via HTTP headers

<LocationMatch "^/">
AuthType "Mellon"
Require valid-user
MellonUser "uid"
MellonSetEnv "e-mail" "mail"
RequestHeader set X-Apache-UID %{MELLON_uid}e
RequestHeader set X-Apache-Email %{MELLON_e-mail}e
RequestHeader set X-Apache-Name %{MELLON_cn}e

Then all that would remain to do would be to secure graylog-web by running 
it only on and bringing up apache over HTTPS on 443. And the 
only new code for graylog-web would be that it could be configured in 
"reverse proxy" mode and to map arbitrary headers to authentication details 
it allows to be set (hence my choice of username/email/name, as the current 
LDAP implementation uses them too)

Just an idea.. :-)


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