[*Pls. visit the original site for screenshots and facsimiles.*

<<(B R) Nanda has also referred to this quote in another book, Motilal
Nehru, in which he attributes this quote to a ‘critic’ who had referred to
‘Motilal’s son’ in these words. Congress MP Shashi Tharoor in his book
Nehru: The Invention of India alludes to this quotation, once again quoting
Hindu Mahasabha leader N B Khare. This is further corroborated by disgraced
journalist and former minister M J Akbar who The Quint has quoted as
saying, “The president of Hindu Mahasabha in 1950, NB Khare was only
repeating an old story when he called Jawaharlal Nehru “English by
education, Muslim by culture and Hindu by accident”.
Alt News decided to dig deeper to find out the source of this
misinformation. In the process, we came across Rafiq Zakaria’s A Study of
Nehru, published in 1959. The work is a compilation of commentaries on
Nehru by numerous eminent political personalities from India and abroad.
One of the contributors to this volume is none other than N B Khare.
Alt News searched for this statement in Jawaharlal Nehru’s autobiography.
Interestingly, it is nowhere to be found. Presented below is an excerpt
from the autobiography in which Nehru ruminates about ‘Muslim culture’,
arguing that the term signifies not a monolithic culture but a syncretic
tradition that developed over the course of centuries of cultural exchange.

*“But what is this ‘Muslim culture’? Is it a kind of racial memory of the
great deeds of the Arabs, Persians, Turks, etc.? Or language? Or art and
music? Or customs? I do not re-member any one referring to present-day
Muslim art or Muslim music. The two languages which have influenced Muslim
thought in India are Arabic and Persian, and especi- ally the latter. But
the influence of Persian has no element of religion about it. The Persian
language and many Persian customs and traditions came to India in the
course of thousands of years and impressed themselves powerfully all over
north India. Persia was the France of the East, sending its language and
culture to all its neighbours. That is a common and a precious heritage for
all of us in India.”*

This leads us to conclude that ***the first reference to this alleged
remark by Jawaharlal Nehru was made in 1959 by none other than N B
Khare***, who is credited by scholars for having made this remark about
Referring to his birth as a Hindu, Nehru had said, *“I was born a Hindu but
I do not know how far I am justified in calling myself one or in speaking
on behalf of Hindus. But birth still counts in this country and by right of
birth I venture to submit to the leaders of the Hindus that it should be
their privilege to take the lead in generosity. Generosity is not only good
morals, but is often good politics and sound expediency. And it is
inconceivable to me that in a free India the Hindus can ever be powerless.”*
Jawaharlal Nehru has been incessantly vilified on social media, where fake
quotes and shared photoshopped images to malign him. Earlier, a ‘letter’
falsely claimed to have been written by Nehru calling Subhas Chandra Bose a
“war criminal” was widely shared. In 2017, photograph of Nehru with his
sister Vijayalakshmi Pandit was posted by BJP IT cell head Amit Malviya to
insinuate philandering. There are numerous such instances chronicled by Alt

Nehru’s political ideology and his legacy is anathema to the right-wing
social media network. From rumours over his genealogy to his relationship
with Subhas Chandra Bose, his education policy and his equation with the
RSS, among other things, India’s first prime minister remains a compelling
figure in the annals of politics more than five decades after his death.>>]


Did Jawaharlal Nehru ever say “I am English by education, Muslim by culture
and Hindu by accident”?

By Arjun Sidharth

-5th November 2018

A statement which is attributed to India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru has circulated online for the past few years. According to this
quote, Nehru had said, “I am English by education, Muslim by culture and
Hindu merely by accident”. Among those who claimed that Nehru had said this
include BJP IT cell head Amit Malviya who had tweeted this in 2015.

Amit Malviya
 By education I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture
a Muslim and a Hindu only by accident of birth. - #Nehru

10:52 AM - Nov 14, 2015
400 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Recently, in a debate on Republic TV in September 2018, national BJP
spokesperson Sambit Patra had made the same claim. The video is posted

There are several versions of this quote shared on social media, with
subtle variations. In an article published in The Indian Express in March
2018 in which he reviewed a book by Shashi Tharoor, Dalit scholar Kancha
Ilaiah Shepherd had claimed that Nehru had said these words. The quote has
also been referred to by the website www.india.com in an article which
showed the ‘grey side of India’s first PM’.

The same has been alleged by a viral poster stamped with ShankhNaad, which
has given a reference to this quote- the work of a retired bureaucrat, V
Sundaram. Alt News searched and found a blog which contained this write-up
titled Cry for a Hindu Nation. Here too, Jawaharlal Nehru has been credited
with these words.

Alt News searched for this quote online and came across an article by the
fake news website Postcard News, which had used the quote in the title
itself. The article was published on February 25, 2018. Apart from Postcard
News, Alt News found that a number of blogs too had referred to this quote.

On further probing, we found a reference to this remark in the book The
Nehrus: Motilal and Jawaharlal by B R Nanda, who was a writer and the
biographer of Mahatma Gandhi, apart from books on both Motilal Nehru and
Jawaharlal Nehru. According to Nanda, it was N B Khare, a leader of the
Hindu Mahasabha who had described Nehru as ‘English by education, Muslim by
culture and Hindu by an accident of birth’.

Source: The Nehrus: Motilal and Jawaharlal by B R Nanda
Nanda has also referred to this quote in another book, Motilal Nehru, in
which he attributes this quote to a ‘critic’ who had referred to ‘Motilal’s
son’ in these words. Congress MP Shashi Tharoor in his book Nehru: The
Invention of India alludes to this quotation, once again quoting Hindu
Mahasabha leader N B Khare. This is further corroborated by disgraced
journalist and former minister M J Akbar who The Quint has quoted as
saying, “The president of Hindu Mahasabha in 1950, NB Khare was only
repeating an old story when he called Jawaharlal Nehru “English by
education, Muslim by culture and Hindu by accident”.

Source: Nehru: The Invention of India by Shashi Tharoor
Both the sources presented above refer to this quotation as having been
made by N B Khare and NOT Jawaharlal Nehru. Khare began his politics with
the Congress party and had served as a member of the viceroy’s executive
council. Khare was also elected to the Constituent Assembly of India which
was tasked with framing the Constitution. In 1949, he joined the Hindu
Mahasabha and served as its president till 1951.

Alt News decided to dig deeper to find out the source of this
misinformation. In the process, we came across Rafiq Zakaria’s A Study of
Nehru, published in 1959. The work is a compilation of commentaries on
Nehru by numerous eminent political personalities from India and abroad.
One of the contributors to this volume is none other than N B Khare.

Source: A Study of Nehru (1959)
On page 215 of the volume, Khare’s write-up, titled The Angry Aristocrat is
a critique of Jawaharlal Nehru. Here, he has claimed that Nehru in his
autobiography had said that he (Nehru) is English by education, Muslim by
culture and Hindu by an accident of birth.

Source: A Study of Nehru (1959)
Alt News searched for this statement in Jawaharlal Nehru’s autobiography.
Interestingly, it is nowhere to be found. Presented below is an excerpt
from the autobiography in which Nehru ruminates about ‘Muslim culture’,
arguing that the term signifies not a monolithic culture but a syncretic
tradition that developed over the course of centuries of cultural exchange.

“But what is this ‘Muslim culture’? Is it a kind of racial memory of the
great deeds of the Arabs, Persians, Turks, etc.? Or language? Or art and
music? Or customs? I do not re-
member any one referring to present-day Muslim art or Muslim music. The two
languages which have influenced Muslim thought in India are Arabic and
Persian, and especi- ally the latter. But the influence of Persian has no
element of religion about it. The Persian language and many Persian customs
and traditions came to India in the course of thousands of years and
impressed themselves powerfully all over north India. Persia was the France
of the East, sending its language and culture to all its neighbours. That
is a common and a precious heritage for all of us in India.”

This leads us to conclude that the first reference to this alleged remark
by Jawaharlal Nehru was made in 1959 by none other than N B Khare, who is
credited by scholars for having made this remark about Nehru.

Jawaharlal Nehru was the president of the Indian National Congress in 1929,
the same year the organisation passed a historic resolution demanding
‘purna swaraj’ or complete independence from British rule. At this session
held in Lahore, in his presidential address, Jawaharlal Nehru had spoken
about the need for shunning religious dogmatism, and flayed the idea of
nationhood based on religion.

Referring to his birth as a Hindu, Nehru had said, “I was born a Hindu but
I do not know how far I am justified in calling myself one or in speaking
on behalf of Hindus. But birth still counts in this country and by right of
birth I venture to submit to the leaders of the Hindus that it should be
their privilege to take the lead in generosity. Generosity is not only good
morals, but is often good politics and sound expediency. And it is
inconceivable to me that in a free India the Hindus can ever be powerless.”

Source: Great Speeches of Modern India by Rudrangshu Mukherjee
Jawaharlal Nehru has been incessantly vilified on social media, where fake
quotes and shared photoshopped images to malign him. Earlier, a ‘letter’
falsely claimed to have been written by Nehru calling Subhas Chandra Bose a
“war criminal” was widely shared. In 2017, photograph of Nehru with his
sister Vijayalakshmi Pandit was posted by BJP IT cell head Amit Malviya to
insinuate philandering. There are numerous such instances chronicled by Alt

Nehru’s political ideology and his legacy is anathema to the right-wing
social media network. From rumours over his genealogy to his relationship
with Subhas Chandra Bose, his education policy and his equation with the
RSS, among other things, India’s first prime minister remains a compelling
figure in the annals of politics more than five decades after his death.
Peace Is Doable

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