
Golwalkar is showing.
The mask slips off.
The hoax of "change" is exposed.


On 02/12/2018, sanjeev kulkarni
[issuesonline_worldwide] <>
> Hindus only threaten to repay what they were subjected to.Why Hindu women
> had to commit johar at the time of musliminvasion any idea?  And do not
> worry.  We will show you whatis the reality and real mirror.  And then tell
> us whether you like it.
> Sanjeev
>       From: "Sukla Sen [issuesonline_worldwide]"
> <>
>  To: issueonline <>
> Cc: aryayouthgroup <>; IHRO
> <>; Arun Monga <>; Satish Khot
> <>
>  Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2018 5:10 PM
>  Subject: Re: [issuesonline_worldwide] Re: [aryayouthgroup] Re: [IHRO] RSS
> again mounts attack on Supreme Court: 'Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams
> CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a law'
>     《Here's the Chief Minister of the most populous state of India: 'Yogi
> Adityanath's Men Telling Hindus To Rape Dead Muslim Women (with
> Adityanath on Stage) Is Beyond Shocking' at
> <>.
> That's the real face.
> Golwalkar only provides a glimpse of that.》
> Hope you liked that.That's a mirror for you.
> Sukla
> On Sun, 2 Dec 2018, 13:56 sanjeev kulkarni
> [issuesonline_worldwide] < wrote:
>      I like your argument very much.  It is not Golwalkar's but yourlogic
> and reasoning takes the cake and remains a classic.
> With this, actually, you need not even quote anything.  Just declareyour
> opinion is the truth and if someone points out the reality iscontradictory,
> just mention - These things are only tailored to the needsof the specific
> occasion - just tricks to fool the fools!.  Keep it up.We shall use this
> reasoning against you too everytime you come up withsomething.
> Sanjeev
>       From: "Sukla Sen [issuesonline_worldwide]"
> <>
>  To:
> Cc: "" <>; IHRO
> <>; Arun Monga <>; Satish Khot
> <>
>  Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2018 1:34 PM
>  Subject: Re: [issuesonline_worldwide] Re: [aryayouthgroup] Re: [IHRO] RSS
> again mounts attack on Supreme Court: 'Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams
> CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a law'
>     These speeches, tailored to the needs of the specific occasion - just
> tricks to fool the fools, vary from time to time, while the 'We or Our
> Nationhood Defined' remains a classic..
> <<In a significant move away from the old ideological moorings of the
> Bharatiya Janata Party to a large extent based on a hate Muslim
> attitude, the new party president, Mr. Bangaru Laxman, today quoted
> old Jana Sangh ideologue, Deendayal Upadhyaya, to declare ***``Muslims
> are the flesh of our flesh and the blood of our blood.''*** {emphasis
> added.]>>
> (Ref.:
> <>..)
> That was August 28 2000.
> By the end of February 2002, Gujarat happened, under the watch and
> supervision of none other than Modi himself.
> Not only that, in July 2013, a decade thence, he'd virtually launch
> his campaign to become the PM of the nation with an interview to the
> Reuters by referring to the Muslim victims of Gujarat 2002 as "kutte
> ka bachcha"!
> (Ref.:
> <>.)
> Such examples are endless.
> Modi regime has seen lynchings after lynchings in the name of
> "gau-raksha". Numerous attacks on the plea of "Love Jihad". Campign
> for "Ghar Vapasi". Ban on cattle trade.
> So on and so forth.
> Here's the Chief Minister of the most populous state of India: 'Yogi
> Adityanath's Men Telling Hindus To Rape Dead Muslim Women (with
> Adityanath on Stage) Is Beyond Shocking' at
> <>.
> That's the real face.
> Golwalkar only provides a glimpse of that.
> Sukla
> On 02/12/2018, sanjeev kulkarni
> [issuesonline_worldwide] <>
> wrote:
>> Mohan Bhagwat says no Hindu Rashtra without Muslims: Is RSS changing
>> before
>> 2019 polls?
>> |
>> |
>> |
>> | | |
>> |
>> |
>> |
>> | |
>> Mohan Bhagwat says no Hindu Rashtra without Muslims: Is RSS changing
>> before....
>> Mohan Bhagwat said that the Sangh’s interpretation of Hindutva does not
>> exclude Muslims and that they are a part... | |
>> |
>> |
>> Have you seen the change somewhere? It is same as communistsearlier
>> believed only in bloody revolution but now participate inthe democratic
>> process as political parties. (which they decried earlier as a sham). RSS
>> ideology has changed with the changing times though itis not for
>> accommodating anyone to appease them. It is a dynamicideology and not a
>> guidance of which not a single word will be changed.
>> Even I do not like their each and every principle. But I know nothingwill
>> be black and white. If a major part is good, support it. And fight
>> against
>> what is not good. No need to throw good with bad. With thechoices
>> available in India today, they are the best hope and option considering
>> rival ideologies and groups. Not that they are flawless.They are the best
>> choice given the menu on the card.
>> Sanjeev
>> From: "Sukla Sen [aryayouthgroup]"
>> <>
>> To: issueonline <>
>> Cc: aryayouthgroup <>; IHRO
>> <>; Arun Monga <>; Satish
>> Khot
>> <>
>> Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2018 11:26 AM
>> Subject: Re: [issuesonline_worldwide] Re: [aryayouthgroup] Re: [IHRO] RSS
>> again mounts attack on Supreme Court: 'Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams
>> CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a law'
>> 《To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the
>> world by her ***purging the country of the Semitic Races*** [emphasis
>> added
>> now] - the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here.
>> Germany
>> has also shown how well nigh impossible it is for Races and cultures,
>> having
>> differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole,
>> *a
>> good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by* [emphasis
>> added].》
>> As clear as it could be.
>> In Modi's Gujarat, Hitler is a textbook hero
>> <>
>> That's more recent.
>> In any case, Golwalkar appears to remain the ideological fountainhead for
>> the Sangh Brigade.
>> Here's a fresh illustration: 'Push to idolise Modi 'mentor' Golwalkar' at
>> <>.
>> Also relevant: 'Narendra Modi on MS Golwalkar ....' at
>> <>.
>> Sukla
>> On Sun, 2 Dec 2018, 10:21 sanjeev kulkarni
>> [issuesonline_worldwide] < wrote:
>> Golwalkar and RSS at that time had no effect whatsoever on anyevent
>> during British Raj simply because they lacked the numbers. You would have
>> written gleefully as you do nowadays " barely hundred turned up when RSS
>> expected lakhs". You are attributing more influence and clout than they
>> actually had if you claim his so-called reactionary views had disastrous
>> effects upon the entire course of freedom struggle(eclipsing millions of
>> followers of Gandhi?). It seems you are perpetually confused person. You
>> can't decide whether to undermineRSS influence over the society or blow
>> it
>> out of proportion.
>> Also, why you had to quote only Golwalkar and his writings, whichhave
>> evolved drastically since then? Don't you find anything objectionablein
>> present-day RSS and its literature circulated nowadays? Even
>> therevolutionaries like Bhagat Singh were admirers of socialism andbloody
>> communist revolution to overthrow capitalists. That is
>> understandablebecause at that time its drawbacks and impracticalities
>> were
>> not experienced.How many will follow this path now? Hindsight is
>> always20x20. You canwrite volumes now how their ideas would have
>> bankrupted
>> the country. And Gandhi had also supported the establishment of Caliphate
>> (Khilafatmovement) and wanted Sultan of Turkey to rule over India as
>> pershariah law. Was it a very progressive step? Have you ever mentioned
>> it?
>> While criticizing Golwalkar for admiring Germany or revolutionaries
>> fortheir
>> admiration for communism, people forget "A Mistake is not somethingto be
>> determined after the fact, but in the light of the information until
>> thatpoint." A more vicious effect pf such hindsight bias is that those
>> who
>> arevery good at predicting the past will think of themselves as goodat
>> predicting the future. Gandhi can be criticized because even at that
>> timethe idea was obnoxious and downright stupid. But you have
>> selectiveamnesia - you remember Golwalkar and forget sins of Gandhi.
>> And the bottom line, it is foolish to expect people not to propagate
>> theideas they feel are right, beneficial and in the interest of the
>> society.. And it is natural that those who do not share them will
>> invariably
>> consider them as very dangerous and harmful.
>> Sanjeev
>> From: "Sukla Sen [aryayouthgroup]"
>> <>
>> To:; issueonline
>> <>; aryayouthgroup
>> <>
>> Cc: Arun Monga <>; Satish Khot
>> <>
>> Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2018 8:54 AM
>> Subject: [aryayouthgroup] Re: [IHRO] RSS again mounts attack on Supreme
>> Court: 'Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with
>> a
>> law'
>> 《Golwalkar decried the anti-British nationalism of pre-independence
>> India. In We, or our Nationhood Defined he criticised the anti-British
>> character of the Indian freedom movement, equating anti-Britishism with
>> patriotism and nationalism: "This reactionary view has had disastrous
>> effects upon the entire course of the freedom struggle, its leaders and
>> the
>> common people".
>> Golwalkar has been accused of fascist beliefs because of the
>> extreme right-wing views expressed in the 1939 book, We, or Our
>> Nationhood
>> Defined:
>> To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the
>> world
>> by her purging the country of the Semitic Races - the Jews. Race pride at
>> its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well
>> nigh
>> impossible it is for Races and cultures, having differences going to the
>> root, to be assimilated into one united whole, *a good lesson for us in
>> Hindustan to learn and profit by* [emphasis added].》
>> (Ref.: <>.)
>> Sukla
>> On Sun, 2 Dec 2018, 04:38 sanjeev kulkarni [IHRO]
>> < wrote:
>> People always consider all the ideas as very dangerous except their
>> own.If RSS is clear in its mind to bring their own brand of ideology, so
>> are
>> otherslike communists, communalists, Muslims, Christians, Sikh, seculars,
>> atheistscapitalists, socialists etc. etc. And all will consider ideas of
>> others as verydangerous and harmful - without exception.
>> Sanjeev
>> From: "VR Damerla [IHRO]" <>
>> To:
>> Cc: Arun Monga <>; Satish Khot
>> <>
>> Sent: Friday, 30 November 2018 5:55 AM
>> Subject: Re: [IHRO] RSS again mounts attack on Supreme Court: 'Ayodhya:
>> Indresh of RSS slams CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a law'
>> The RSS is clear in it's mind to bring about a situation where it's own
>> coloured interpretation of the Hindu religion will be the Constitution
>> and
>> the present Constitution and Supreme Court and CrPC can be scrapped......
>> A
>> very dangerous possibility.
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 5:40 AM, Sukla Sen
>> [IHRO]<> wrote:
>> [Yet, a serial liar, and no ordinary one, claims that the Congress
>> pressurised the Supreme Court! (Ref.:
>> <>.)
>> And, Indresh is, in no way, a sole deviant from the Sangh stable.(Ref.:
>> <>
>> and
>> <>..)
>> This, on the face of it, is a clear illustration of contempt of court -
>> attacking judges for pre-conceived bias.Just a part of the project of
>> dismantling the watchdog institutions to safeguard the Indian
>> Constitution
>> and its essential features, including "secularism" and "democracy".
>> 《Claiming that the Centre plans to bring a law on the Ram
>> Janmabhoomi-Babri
>> Masjid dispute but has been silent in view of the Model Code of Conduct
>> for
>> the ongoing Assembly elections, RSS leader Indresh Kumar Tuesday attacked
>> the Supreme Court’s “three-judge bench… known to the public” for
>> “delaying”
>> a decision on the Ayodhya title suit.》
>> As regards Modi's claim that the SC judges were scared into subission
>> with
>> the threat of impeachment, the facts are as under:
>> I. The impeachment motion, against the then CJI, was rejected, apparently
>> in
>> a rush, by the Vice President on ***April 23 2018*** .. (Ref.:
>> <>.)(It
>> had been moved by individual RS MPs...Manmohan Singh, P Chidambaram, A M
>> Singhvi were prominent non-signatories to the motion from the
>> Congress..)]
>> II.. <<The Supreme Court today (i.e. on ***Sept 27 2018***) declined to
>> refer the question that “a mosque as a place of prayer is an essential
>> part
>> of Islam” to a Constitution bench. The crucial verdict also paved the way
>> for holding the hearing on title suit on October 29. The 1994 judgement
>> of
>> the Supreme Court had observed that “a mosque is not an essential part of
>> the practice of the religion of Islam and namaz can be offered anywhere,
>> even in the open”. The apex court’s decision today will be on a raft of
>> petitions by a few Muslim groups challenging this 1994 judgement.A
>> three-judge bench of the Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice of India
>> Dipak Misra and comprising Justices Ashok Bhushan and S Abdul Nazeer had
>> reserved the verdict on ***July 20*** [emphasis added].>>(Ref..:
>> <>.)
>> III. <<The Supreme Court on Monday (i.e. ***Oct. 29 2018***) turned down
>> requests for an early hearing in the Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi title
>> dispute and said the top court will decide the course of hearings in the
>> first week of January.In a hearing that barely lasted five minutes, a
>> three-judge bench headed by ***Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi***
>> [emphasis added] dismissed requests by additional solicitor general
>> Tushar
>> Mehta, who appeared for the Uttar Pradesh government, and senior advocate
>> CS
>> Vaidyanathan, who represented the deity Ram Lalla, that the court take up
>> the dispute after the Diwali break.>>(Ref.:
>> <>..)
>> IV. So, ***the impeachment motion*** (against the preceding CJI, which'd
>> come as a sequel to the unprecedented public revolt against him by his
>> four
>> immediate juniors including the incumbent CJI) ***could have had not any
>> impact on the Supreme Court decision on the Ayodhya case***, having
>> already
>> been rejected and the last deferment coming under a new CJI.***The claim
>> is
>> just a plain lie***.]
>> Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a
>> lawHe
>> claimed there was growing anguish against “two-three” judges. “All are
>> looking forward to justice. They still have belief.... but the judiciary,
>> judges and justice have been disrespected because of two-three judges....
>> It
>> should be heard early. What is the problem?"
>> By Express News Service |Chandigarh |
>> Updated: November 28, 2018 10:25:10 am Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams
>> CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a lawProposed Ram Temple Replica
>> seen
>> at VHP organised relegious meeting in Ayodhya on sunday.Express photo by
>> Vishal Srivastav 25..11.2018Claiming that the Centre plans to bring a law
>> on
>> the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute but has been silent in view of
>> the
>> Model Code of Conduct for the ongoing Assembly elections, RSS leader
>> Indresh
>> Kumar Tuesday attacked the Supreme Court’s “three-judge bench… known to
>> the
>> public” for “delaying” a decision on the Ayodhya title suit.
>> He said if someone goes to the Supreme Court against the law that the
>> government plans to bring, “it is possible that the Chief Justice will
>> issue
>> a stay (Ho sakta hai aadesh laane ke khilaf koi sarfira Supreme Court
>> jayega, toh aaj ka Chief Justice usey stay bhi kar sakta hai)”..
>> Referring to the CJI-led bench’s decision to defer hearing on the Ayodhya
>> matter to January, Indresh said: “I haven’t taken names because 125 crore
>> Indians know their names… the three-judge bench… they delayed, they
>> denied,
>> they disrespected”. He then went on to say “will the country be so
>> handicapped” that it lets “two-three” judges “throttle its beliefs,
>> democracy, Constitution and fundamental rights”...
>> Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a
>> lawIndresh Kumar at Panjab University. (Express Photo by Kamleshwar
>> Singh)Speaking at a seminar titled ‘Janmabhoomi mein anyay kyun’,
>> organised
>> by the Joshi Foundation on the campus of the Panjab University, Indresh
>> said: “Will you and I watch helplessly? Why, and for what? Jo aatankwad
>> ko
>> ardh raatri mein sun sakte hain, woh shanti ko apmaan aur uphas kar de
>> (Should those who hear cases against terror at midnight insult and
>> ridicule
>> peace)… Even the English did not have the courage to perpetrate such
>> atrocities on the judicial process.”
>> “Is it not so serious? We saw the black day of the Indian judicial system
>> when justice was delayed and denied by disrespecting the beliefs of
>> people.
>> Supreme Court did not do it.. Judges did not do it. Judicial system did
>> not
>> do it. Justice did not do it. But a few persons,” he said.
>> He claimed there was growing anguish against “two-three” judges. “All are
>> looking forward to justice. They still have belief… but the judiciary,
>> judges and justice have been disrespected because of two-three judges… It
>> should be heard early. What is the problem? Otherwise, a question arises:
>> if
>> they are not ready to deliver justice, they should think if they want to
>> remain judges or resign,” he said.--
>> Peace Is Doable
>> On Sun, 2 Dec 2018, 10:21 sanjeev kulkarni
>> [issuesonline_worldwide] < wrote:
>> Golwalkar and RSS at that time had no effect whatsoever on anyevent
>> during British Raj simply because they lacked the numbers. You would have
>> written gleefully as you do nowadays " barely hundred turned up when RSS
>> expected lakhs". You are attributing more influence and clout than they
>> actually had if you claim his so-called reactionary views had disastrous
>> effects upon the entire course of freedom struggle(eclipsing millions of
>> followers of Gandhi?). It seems you are perpetually confused person. You
>> can't decide whether to undermineRSS influence over the society or blow
>> it
>> out of proportion.
>> Also, why you had to quote only Golwalkar and his writings, whichhave
>> evolved drastically since then? Don't you find anything objectionablein
>> present-day RSS and its literature circulated nowadays? Even
>> therevolutionaries like Bhagat Singh were admirers of socialism andbloody
>> communist revolution to overthrow capitalists. That is
>> understandablebecause at that time its drawbacks and impracticalities
>> were
>> not experienced.How many will follow this path now? Hindsight is
>> always20x20. You canwrite volumes now how their ideas would have
>> bankrupted
>> the country. And Gandhi had also supported the establishment of Caliphate
>> (Khilafatmovement) and wanted Sultan of Turkey to rule over India as
>> pershariah law. Was it a very progressive step? Have you ever mentioned
>> it?
>> While criticizing Golwalkar for admiring Germany or revolutionaries
>> fortheir
>> admiration for communism, people forget "A Mistake is not somethingto be
>> determined after the fact, but in the light of the information until
>> thatpoint." A more vicious effect pf such hindsight bias is that those
>> who
>> arevery good at predicting the past will think of themselves as goodat
>> predicting the future. Gandhi can be criticized because even at that
>> timethe idea was obnoxious and downright stupid. But you have
>> selectiveamnesia - you remember Golwalkar and forget sins of Gandhi.
>> And the bottom line, it is foolish to expect people not to propagate
>> theideas they feel are right, beneficial and in the interest of the
>> society. And it is natural that those who do not share them will
>> invariably
>> consider them as very dangerous and harmful.
>> Sanjeev
>> From: "Sukla Sen [aryayouthgroup]"
>> <>
>> To:; issueonline
>> <>; aryayouthgroup
>> <>
>> Cc: Arun Monga <>; Satish Khot
>> <>
>> Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2018 8:54 AM
>> Subject: [aryayouthgroup] Re: [IHRO] RSS again mounts attack on Supreme
>> Court: 'Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with
>> a
>> law'
>> 《Golwalkar decried the anti-British nationalism of pre-independence
>> India. In We, or our Nationhood Defined he criticised the anti-British
>> character of the Indian freedom movement, equating anti-Britishism with
>> patriotism and nationalism: "This reactionary view has had disastrous
>> effects upon the entire course of the freedom struggle, its leaders and
>> the
>> common people".
>> Golwalkar has been accused of fascist beliefs because of the
>> extreme right-wing views expressed in the 1939 book, We, or Our
>> Nationhood
>> Defined:
>> To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the
>> world
>> by her purging the country of the Semitic Races - the Jews. Race pride at
>> its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well
>> nigh
>> impossible it is for Races and cultures, having differences going to the
>> root, to be assimilated into one united whole, *a good lesson for us in
>> Hindustan to learn and profit by* [emphasis added].》
>> (Ref.: <>.)
>> Sukla
>> On Sun, 2 Dec 2018, 04:38 sanjeev kulkarni [IHRO]
>> < wrote:
>> People always consider all the ideas as very dangerous except their
>> own.If RSS is clear in its mind to bring their own brand of ideology, so
>> are
>> otherslike communists, communalists, Muslims, Christians, Sikh, seculars,
>> atheistscapitalists, socialists etc. etc. And all will consider ideas of
>> others as verydangerous and harmful - without exception.
>> Sanjeev
>> From: "VR Damerla [IHRO]" <>
>> To:
>> Cc: Arun Monga <>; Satish Khot
>> <>
>> Sent: Friday, 30 November 2018 5:55 AM
>> Subject: Re: [IHRO] RSS again mounts attack on Supreme Court: 'Ayodhya:
>> Indresh of RSS slams CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a law'
>> The RSS is clear in it's mind to bring about a situation where it's own
>> coloured interpretation of the Hindu religion will be the Constitution
>> and
>> the present Constitution and Supreme Court and CrPC can be scrapped......
>> A
>> very dangerous possibility.
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 5:40 AM, Sukla Sen
>> [IHRO]<> wrote:
>> [Yet, a serial liar, and no ordinary one, claims that the Congress
>> pressurised the Supreme Court! (Ref.:
>> <>.)
>> And, Indresh is, in no way, a sole deviant from the Sangh stable.(Ref.:
>> <>
>> and
>> <>..)
>> This, on the face of it, is a clear illustration of contempt of court -
>> attacking judges for pre-conceived bias.Just a part of the project of
>> dismantling the watchdog institutions to safeguard the Indian
>> Constitution
>> and its essential features, including "secularism" and "democracy".
>> 《Claiming that the Centre plans to bring a law on the Ram
>> Janmabhoomi-Babri
>> Masjid dispute but has been silent in view of the Model Code of Conduct
>> for
>> the ongoing Assembly elections, RSS leader Indresh Kumar Tuesday attacked
>> the Supreme Court’s “three-judge bench… known to the public” for
>> “delaying”
>> a decision on the Ayodhya title suit.》
>> As regards Modi's claim that the SC judges were scared into subission
>> with
>> the threat of impeachment, the facts are as under:
>> I.. The impeachment motion, against the then CJI, was rejected,
>> apparently
>> in a rush, by the Vice President on ***April 23 2018*** . (Ref.:
>> <>.)(It
>> had been moved by individual RS MPs...Manmohan Singh, P Chidambaram, A M
>> Singhvi were prominent non-signatories to the motion from the
>> Congress..)]
>> II. <<The Supreme Court today (i.e. on ***Sept 27 2018***) declined to
>> refer
>> the question that “a mosque as a place of prayer is an essential part of
>> Islam” to a Constitution bench. The crucial verdict also paved the way
>> for
>> holding the hearing on title suit on October 29. The 1994 judgement of
>> the
>> Supreme Court had observed that “a mosque is not an essential part of the
>> practice of the religion of Islam and namaz can be offered anywhere, even
>> in
>> the open”. The apex court’s decision today will be on a raft of petitions
>> by
>> a few Muslim groups challenging this 1994 judgement.A three-judge bench
>> of
>> the Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra and
>> comprising Justices Ashok Bhushan and S Abdul Nazeer had reserved the
>> verdict on ***July 20*** [emphasis added].>>(Ref..:
>> <>.)
>> III. <<The Supreme Court on Monday (i.e. ***Oct. 29 2018***) turned down
>> requests for an early hearing in the Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi title
>> dispute and said the top court will decide the course of hearings in the
>> first week of January.In a hearing that barely lasted five minutes, a
>> three-judge bench headed by ***Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi***
>> [emphasis added] dismissed requests by additional solicitor general
>> Tushar
>> Mehta, who appeared for the Uttar Pradesh government, and senior advocate
>> CS
>> Vaidyanathan, who represented the deity Ram Lalla, that the court take up
>> the dispute after the Diwali break..>>(Ref..:
>> <>..)
>> IV. So, ***the impeachment motion*** (against the preceding CJI, which'd
>> come as a sequel to the unprecedented public revolt against him by his
>> four
>> immediate juniors including the incumbent CJI) ***could have had not any
>> impact on the Supreme Court decision on the Ayodhya case***, having
>> already
>> been rejected and the last deferment coming under a new CJI.***The claim
>> is
>> just a plain lie***.]
>> Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a
>> lawHe
>> claimed there was growing anguish against “two-three” judges. “All are
>> looking forward to justice. They still have belief.... but the judiciary,
>> judges and justice have been disrespected because of two-three judges....
>> It
>> should be heard early. What is the problem?"
>> By Express News Service |Chandigarh |
>> Updated: November 28, 2018 10:25:10 am Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams
>> CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a lawProposed Ram Temple Replica
>> seen
>> at VHP organised relegious meeting in Ayodhya on sunday.Express photo by
>> Vishal Srivastav 25..11.2018Claiming that the Centre plans to bring a law
>> on
>> the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute but has been silent in view of
>> the
>> Model Code of Conduct for the ongoing Assembly elections, RSS leader
>> Indresh
>> Kumar Tuesday attacked the Supreme Court’s “three-judge bench… known to
>> the
>> public” for “delaying” a decision on the Ayodhya title suit.
>> He said if someone goes to the Supreme Court against the law that the
>> government plans to bring, “it is possible that the Chief Justice will
>> issue
>> a stay (Ho sakta hai aadesh laane ke khilaf koi sarfira Supreme Court
>> jayega, toh aaj ka Chief Justice usey stay bhi kar sakta hai)”..
>> Referring to the CJI-led bench’s decision to defer hearing on the Ayodhya
>> matter to January, Indresh said: “I haven’t taken names because 125 crore
>> Indians know their names… the three-judge bench… they delayed, they
>> denied,
>> they disrespected”. He then went on to say “will the country be so
>> handicapped” that it lets “two-three” judges “throttle its beliefs,
>> democracy, Constitution and fundamental rights”...
>> Ayodhya: Indresh of RSS slams CJI-bench, claims govt is ready with a
>> lawIndresh Kumar at Panjab University. (Express Photo by Kamleshwar
>> Singh)Speaking at a seminar titled ‘Janmabhoomi mein anyay kyun’,
>> organised
>> by the Joshi Foundation on the campus of the Panjab University, Indresh
>> said: “Will you and I watch helplessly? Why, and for what? Jo aatankwad
>> ko
>> ardh raatri mein sun sakte hain, woh shanti ko apmaan aur uphas kar de
>> (Should those who hear cases against terror at midnight insult and
>> ridicule
>> peace)… Even the English did not have the courage to perpetrate such
>> atrocities on the judicial process.”
>> “Is it not so serious? We saw the black day of the Indian judicial system
>> when justice was delayed and denied by disrespecting the beliefs of
>> people.
>> Supreme Court did not do it.. Judges did not do it. Judicial system did
>> not
>> do it. Justice did not do it. But a few persons,” he said.
>> He claimed there was growing anguish against “two-three” judges.. “All
>> are
>> looking forward to justice. They still have belief… but the judiciary,
>> judges and justice have been disrespected because of two-three judges… It
>> should be heard early. What is the problem? Otherwise, a question arises:
>> if
>> they are not ready to deliver justice, they should think if they want to
>> remain judges or resign,” he said.--
>> Peace Is Doable
>> Posted by: sanjeev kulkarni <>
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> --
> Peace Is Doable
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Peace Is Doable

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