[The order that could (or should?) have had been delivered on the day one
of the petition being heard restoring the status quo ante as regards the
CBI Director has been delivered now, with barely three weeks of his tenure
(Verma was relieved of his charge and sent on leave, all of a sudden, on
October 23rd.
He approached the Supreme Court on the following day, 24th.
Judgement is delivered today, on 8th Jan.
Verma's tenure ends on Jan. 31st. )

Even then, he's not allowed to take any "policy decision" till the
Selection Committee takes a final view as regards his case.

In the meanwhile, the officer who had been investigating the corruption
case against the second senior most CBI officer Rakesh Asthana was
immediately transferred to Port Blair!
So were other officers considered close to Verma, though not to Port Blair.
The orders were issued by an interim in-charge, brought in from outside and
madevto leap over the heads of three of his seniors.
He's facing allegation of corruption, to boot.

The petition of the one transferred to Port Blair, Mr. Bassi, against his
(allegedly) arbitrary transfer was shoved aside by the Hon'ble CJI, and put
in a deep freeze, without any written order, on the ground that the content
of his petition was shared with the media.
As if his petition was to be treated as a classified document!
Some justice!

Even then, keeping the Rafale judgement in mind, where so many of the basic
"facts" are just not facts, this one looks truly great!
It, at least, at the end of the (pretty long) day has acknowledged that the
CBI Director could have not been legitimately divested of his charge
without the consent of the Selection Committee, even with the CVC as a
willing accomplice.]


Analysis: SC decision to refer order against CBI director Verma to
selection committee is puzzling
It isn’t clear why the court has issued this direction when it has already
declared the original order as bad in law.

8 hours ago

Sruthisagar Yamunan

The Supreme Court on Tuesday struck down the Centre’s order in October
divesting Central Bureau of Investigation Director Alok Verma of his powers
and temporarily sending him on leave. The Supreme Court has held that the
decision could not be sustained because the Centre did not take the
concurrence of the selection committee under the Delhi Special Police
Establishment Act. This, the court said, violated the legislative intent of
the provisions that protected the independence of the CBI.

However, in a contradictory direction, the court asked the selection
committee, consisting of the prime minister, the leader of the largest
opposition party and the chief justice of India or his representative, to
meet within a week to discuss on the Centre’s decision about Verma.

It isn’t clear why the court has issued this direction when it has already
declared the original order against Verma as bad in law. Besides, the court
refrained from discussing the merits of the order and the facts on which it
was based. It claimed that this was unwarranted since the order is
repugnant to the law itself.

The judgement clearly provides the Centre another opportunity to keep Verma
away from discharging his functions, especially given the fact that he is
set to retire on January 31. The court has not given any directions to
ensure that the time Verma lost due to Centre’s illegal order be
compensated by extending his tenure.

Illegal order
The Supreme Court said that two strands emerge from the October 23 order
that divested Verma of his powers as CBI director. One was the question of
law, which involves analysing if the Centre’s order fulfilled the legal
mandate of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act. The second is the
question of facts, which would involve discussion of the underlying reasons
for the Centre’s order against Verma. The Supreme Court decided that if the
order was illegal to start with, there was no reason to go into the
correctness of the order.

The court found the order to be in violation of the Delhi Special Police
Establishment Act. Since the Act clearly states that any transfer of the
CBI director would need the concurrence of the selection committee, an
order divesting his powers could not be sustained without its approval. In
this regard, the court refused to interpret the word “transfer” strictly as
a change in position and place. The court said:

“If the word ‘transferred” has to be understood in its ordinary parlance
and limited to a change from one post to another, as the word would
normally convey and on that basis the requirement of ‘previous consent of
the Committee’ is understood to be only in such cases, i.e. purely of
transfer, such an interpretation would be self­-defeating and would clearly
negate the legislative intent. In such an event it will be free for the
State Authority to effectively disengage the Director, CBI from functioning
by adopting various modes, known and unknown, which may not amount to
transfer but would still have the same effect as a transfer from one post
to another, namely, cessation of exercise of powers and functions of the
earlier post. This is clearly not what the legislature could have

Further, the court said unlike the Central Vigilance Commission Act, the
Delhi Special Police Establishment Act does not provide special provisions
for such interim measures.

Reference to committee
While the court did so, it is difficult to reconcile this reasoning with
the final direction of the bench, in which it referred the issue of
divesting Verma’s powers to the selection committee. It has asked the
committee to meet within a week to make a decision. The court also directed
Verma to not take any major policy decisions till the committee does so.

If the order is illegal in the first place, this reference of the matter to
the committee could only mean a partial sustenance of the illegal order.
Since it has interpreted and declared the intention of the law, it would
have been for the Centre to decide if it wants to take the matter up with
the committee. To restrict Verma’s functioning in the meantime is clearly
contradictory to the overall direction striking down the Centre’s illegal

The court has also refused to, for the moment, analyse the decisions taken
by M Nageswara Rao as joint director discharging the role of the CBI
director in the interim. While the Centre’s orders asking Rao to discharge
the duties of the CBI director in the interim has been struck down, the
court has left an assessment of the many orders he passed in the last two
months, including transfers and decisions on cases, for future proceedings.
The court said:

“As we have answered the writ petitions in the manner indicated above, we
do not consider it necessary to examine the correctness of the
further/consequential orders of transfer etc. and that too on the basis of
interlocutory applications filed in pending writ petitions under Article 32
of the Constitution, which stand disposed of by the present order. However,
we leave the parties with the remedy of challenging the said consequential
orders in an appropriate manner and before the appropriate forum, if so
required and so advised.”

As a consequence, this has the same effect as the directions on orders
divesting Verma of his duties. The underlying order has been cancelled but
decisions taken by Rao has been sustained for the moment.
Peace Is Doable

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