Kindly allow me to share this long text. Seeds are so important that I am
sure you will excuse me

Agriculture department has uploaded the 37 page long Draft SEEDS BILL, 2019
for replacing the Seeds Act, 1966 for comments on their website. The link
for the Draft SEEDS BILL, 2019 is here:

The views/comments are to be sent through e-mail to
jsseeds-agri[at]nic[dot]in & m[dot]gunasekran[at]nic[dot]in *latest by 13
November, 2019.*

It has 10 chapters and 53 Sections.

The Schedule (read with Section 4 (4) (i) (ii) (iii) ) to the Bill divides
the country in* five geographical zones.*

*Zone I *has Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala,
Puducherry and Laksdweep.

*Zone II* has Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha West Bengal, 36garh,MP and Andman &
Nicobar Islands.

  *Zone V* has UP, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, HP, J&K,
Ladakh, NCT of Delhi .

The 2019 draft Seeds Bill aims to regulate the quality of seeds sold, and
replace the Seeds Act, 1966. All varieties of seeds for sale have to be
registered. The seeds are required to meet certain prescribed minimum
standards. Transgenic varieties of seeds can be registered only after the
applicant has obtained clearance under the Environment (Protection) Act,

*In nutshell, the text of the Draft Seeds Bill 2019 with 53 Sections **shows
that The Seeds Bill, 2004 which had 49 Sections is being revised. According
to the ministry of agriculture the new Bill is required to fill existing
gaps. *

*As per the 2004 Bill “seed” means any type of living embryo or propagule
capable of regeneration and giving rise to a plant of agriculture which is
true to such type."*

*As per the Draft 2019 Bill “seed” means any type of living embryo or
propagule, including seedlings, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, roots, cuttings,
all types of grafts, tissue culture plantlets, synthetic seeds and other
vegetatively propagated material, capable of regeneration and giving rise
to a plant of agriculture which is true to such type."  *

The seed quality regime in India is governed by the Seeds Act, 1966, the
Seeds Rules, 1968 and the Seeds (Control) Order, 1983 (issued in exercise
of powers under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955).  In addition to these
legal instruments, various guidelines and policy parameters have been laid
down in the National Seeds Policy, 2002 and the New Policy on Seed
Development, 1988.  During the last four decades seed production
technologies have changed and new technologies like transgenics, tissue
culture, soil-less agriculture etc. have emerged.  There is greater
emphasis on seed quality assurance particularly to safeguard the interest
of the farmers. The economy has been substantially liberalised and the
private sector is playing an increasing role in various spheres including
agriculture.  In the liberalized and changed environment, India is
increasingly engaging in the import and export of seeds and planting
materials. The above necessitates up-gradation of seed production, quality
and regulatory standards. Therefore, a need has arisen for up-scaling the
seed quality regime by enacting a new legislation.  Moreover, the following
deficiencies have been noted in the existing Seeds Act:-

• Registration of seed variety not compulsory.

• Non-notified varieties are not covered.

• Commercial crops and plantation crops are not covered.

• Certification only through State Seed Certification Agencies.

• No provision for regulation of transgenic materials.

• Penalties for infringement are very mild.

           Based on the changes that have taken place in the seed sector
since 1966, the existing Seeds Act, 1966 is proposed to be replaced by a
suitable legislation. Accordingly, the Seeds Bill, 2004 was drafted in
consultation with the various stakeholders and introduced in the Rajya
Sabha. The salient features of the Seeds Bill, 2004 are as follows:-

i. Compulsory registration of varieties. No person will be allowed to carry
on the business of selling or supplying any seed which is not of a
registered kind/variety. Farmers are to be exempted from compulsory
registration. Registration will be for a fixed period but can be
pre-maturely cancelled for stated reasons.

ii. Enhancement of penalties is proposed from Rs.500 / Rs.1000 with or
without imprisonment in the Seeds Act 1966 to Rs.25,000/ Rs.5,00,000 with
or without imprisonment.
iii. Provision for labeling of expected performance of seeds has been
included so that the farmers are assured of quality of seeds purchased by
iv. Provision for compensation to the farmer in case of seed failure has
been made.

v. The Bill proposes to emphasise the rights of the Farmers in conformity
with the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, (PPV & FR
Act) 2001.  The farmer will have the right to grow, sow, re-sow, save, use,
exchange, share or sell his farm seeds and planting materials except when
he sells such seed or planting material under a brand name.

vi. The Government will have the right to exclude certain kind or variety
of seeds from registration to protect public order or public morality or
human, animal and plant health or to avoid serious prejudice to the

vii. Seed health has been added as an additional standard for quality seed.

viii. Provisions to regulate import and export of seeds have been largely
incorporated into the Seeds Bill itself as given below:-

a. All import of seed shall be subject to Plant Quarantine (Regulation of
Import into India) Order, 2003 and other relevant Acts.

b. All imported seeds shall conform to minimum standards of seed health in
addition to other conditions already in existence.

c. All imported seeds shall be subject to registration on the basis of
information furnished by the importer on the basis of multi-location trials.

d. Exports can be restricted if such exports adversely affect the food
security of the country.

ix. GURT (Restriction technology including terminator technology) has been
prohibited. Any person intending to import seed or planting material will
declare that such material is, or is not, as the case may be a product of
transgenic manipulation or involves Genetic Use Restriction Technology.

*Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) has demanded the
following components to be incorporated in the Draft Seeds Bill 2019. *

REGULATION: In the rapidly changing scenario with regard to commercial seed
business, it becomes imperative that state governments have the authority
through the Seeds Bill, to fix the retail seed price of all seeds being
commercially traded, and royalty/licensing fees for any (technology)
sub-licensing agreements, as in the case of cotton seed.
a. Such seed price regulation should be for all seed, and not just in
‘emergent situations’ as proposed in the Draft Seeds Bill 2019. Real time
monitoring of the emergent situations is not in place and therefore, this
provision based on ‘emergent situations’ will be rendered meaningless in
b. Such seed price regulation should also include fair returns to
seed-producing farmers, in addition to regulation of other terms and
conditions for seed production by farmers.
c. Further, given that the Seeds Control Order of 1983 is likely to get
nullified after the Seeds Bill is notified, it is important to incorporate
all the powers that state governments have under the Order into the
proposed Seeds Bill, including the ‘Power to Distribute Seed’ (compulsory

provision in the regulation that upholds farmers’ interests is the
Compensation-related section. Farmers should get compensated in case of
failure of performance against the claims made. However, this provision is
very inadequate in Draft Seeds Bill 2019 (Sec. 21). Without easy adequate
and prompt compensation to farmers for sub-optimal performance of a seed,
the main objective of this regulatory statute cannot be said to have been
fulfilled. It is with great concern that we note that despite the Seeds
Bill Amendments of 2010 proposing to move away from the original idea of
farmers taking resort in the Consumer Protection Act, the 2019 version of
the Bill once again talks about compensation to be sought through the
Consumer Protection Act. This is regressive.

The compensation mechanisms should be accessible to the farmer – district
or even taluka/tehsil/block level compensation committees would be needed
for this purpose. Compensation awarded should have a formula to cover the
costs incurred and should also be against the value of the claims made for
the performance of that variety at the time of registration (the guarantee
of performance is not just about germination of the seed, but the actual
crop performance). The compensation claim should be resolved within 30 days
of filing of the claim and the farmer be paid within three months of the
award of the compensation so that the farmer’s next growing season is not
affected and this should be incorporated into the legislation. Any farmer
aggrieved by the decision of the Compensation Committee should be able to
appeal to a prescribed authority which shall dispose off the appeal within
a specified time and manner that is prescribed. Further, compensation in
the case of certified seed that causes losses to farmers should be shelled
out by the certification agency too. It is these kinds of modalities that
are missing right now, and should be incorporated into the Draft Seeds Bill

3. PENALTIES HAVE TO ACT AS DETERRENTS: The “Offences & Penalties” section
needs to ensure that penalties are effective as deterrents, and these
provisions are quite inadequate at present under Sections 42 to 44 in the
Draft Seeds Bill 2019. Penalties’ range has been increased by a mere INR
20,000/--75,000/- in the case of two kinds of offences from what was
proposed in 2004 (and in one more kind of offence, to five lakh rupees from
fifty thousand rupees proposed in 2004 along with one year imprisonment),
whereas what farmers' groups have been asking for is very different, and
what the Parliamentary Standing Committee had recommended is very different
too. The Committee had suggested that the level of punishment should begin
with a fine of Rs. 200,000/- which may extend up to Rs. 10,00,000/- along
with an imprisonment for a term of 3 months which may extend up to one
year, for offences as described under Sec. 42 (3) of Draft Seeds Bill 2019.
The Parliamentary Standing Committee also recommended that for repeated
violations/offences, punishment should be in consonance with penalties
provided in Sec. 73 of PPV&FR Act 2001.

It is important to have penalty clauses which are in proportion to
damage/losses caused to farmers and in proportion to the seed stocks
produced or stored by the offende,r and not just as fixed amounts.
Penalties should also include seizure of the assets of the seed company.
This will then act as a real deterrent.

There is a need to publish the names of all seed producers, dealers,
processors and others whose varieties have been cancelled or who have been
charged with contraventions of the statute.

Seeds Bill, India needs provisions that do not encourage or liberally allow
for import of seed from elsewhere.

Import of seed should be prevented and discouraged since this is a matter
of sovereignty and autonomy of the nation as well as the farming community,
apart from potential economic impacts that such imports can have. This can
be done for commercial purpose if at all, only after pest risk analysis and
local adaptability have been studied. Multi-locational agronomic trials
must be done in India and in states where such registration is sought and
cannot just be on the basis of the data furnished by the importer. Further,
foreign seed certification or self-testing cannot be held valid in India.
Liability clause must ensure that seed importer is held responsible for any
pest/disease outbreak, weed invasion, genetic contamination and for
subsequent clean-up operations.

Contamination of domestic non-GM plants will destroy India’s competitive
advantage for non- GM and/or organic crops when GM seeds are imported,
including inadvertently. Seed imports should not be allowed at all in India
for those crops from countries which grow transgenic varieties of those
crops when those varieties are not allowed in India under the Indian
regulatory regime for gene technologies. A Schedule should be annexed to
the Act, to list countries and crops whose imports must not be allowed in
India, including those which are into field testing in other countries.

Testing facilities and capacity for surveillance at ports of import must be
strengthened and testing procedures followed without exception to ensure
that GM seeds do not come in stealthily as country of origin is often
masked by trans-shipments.

All of this has not been adequately addressed in the current version of the
Bill (Chapter VII of the 2019 Bill) even though pointed out in the past,
including in the form of some recommendations by the Parliamentary Standing
Committee in its report.

5. HORTICULTURE NURSERIES TO BE REGULATED: It is not clear why the 2019
version refers to only Fruit Nurseries and not Horticulture Nurseries,
while the earlier versions cover Horticulture Nurseries. It is important to
regulate horticulture nurseries since many vegetable farmers depend on
seedlings supplied by nurseries and do not plant seeds directly themselves,
and horticulture covers fruit species also.

a. Registration can be at the state level too, by the State Seeds
Committee, as is now being proposed in the Draft Seeds Bill 2019.
b. Registration should have a non-exclusivity clause which allows others
also to sell the same seed variety under any other brand name, provided
that the other brand or label also gets registered under the Seeds Act.
c. Registration under this Act should be termed as “Registration for
Performance” in a process that is distinctly different from the existing
varietal release system in the country, and from the registration after DUS
testing in the Plant Varietal Registration system under Protection of Plant
Varieties & Farmers’ Rights Act 2001. Any overlaps with the other system
need specific sub-provisions to be built into the Seeds Bill. Any other
permission or clearance system for sales, processing etc., should be termed
as Licensing, while Approval/Permission granting systems exist under
Environment Protection Act, Plant Quarantine Order etc.
d. The registration details, which should be put out in the public domain,
should consist of geographical location, seed passport data, results of
local agronomic trials in different growing conditions which should be
conducted only by accredited government/semi-government/autonomous such as
ICAR and state agriculture universities. Equally importantly, the parentage
of the seed being marketed should be disclosed for each variety/brand
registered and a declaration that these were accessed legally. Details
about prior registration under PPV&FR Act must be shared too.
e. Registration should also have a mechanism of random pre-registration
testing against the claims of the applicant. This is something that has
also been recommended by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on
Agriculture in 2006-07 on the Seeds Bill 2004.
f. Seeds registered should be sent to NBPGR for retention in the National
Gene bank.

There is a need to provide some exemptions in this proposed legislation for
all-farmers’ institutions which have explicitly been created for seed
production and supply (like FPOs into seed production and trade). In all
such cases that get exemptions, the government should take additional
responsibilities, like the responsibility for seed certification etc.
Exemptions should be correlated to criteria like distance of sale from the
seed producing FPO, turnovers etc.. This should be included into Seeds Bill
2019 Sec. 47 provisions for exemptions from provisions of the Act for
certain organisations.

8. TRANSPARENT AND INDEPENDENT FUNCTIONING: Any proposed institutional set
up should have clearly laid down, pro-active mechanisms for
information-sharing and transparent decision-making so that corruption and
arbitrariness can be tackled. Such mechanisms are best set up at a
decentralised level rather than in a highly centralised manner. The Central
and State Seed Committees should have more representatives in the form of
independent public professionals (independent from the industry) and
farmers’ representatives.

and the implied understanding in various debates with regard to exclusive
marketing rights (as contained in the Protection of Plant Varieties and
Farmers Rights Act 2001) that accrue from such registration under the
proposed legislation should be clarified (some comments of the
Parliamentary Standing Committee 2006-07 also reflect this). This
legislation is not meant for any exclusive or any other kind of marketing
rights. It is about the requirement to register before making money on seed
as a commodity and about delivering against claims. Therefore, the term
“registration” in this proposed legislation should be changed to
“Registration of Varietal Performance” and “Licensing for seed sales, seed
stocking, seed processing, seedling nurseries etc.” to remove any confusion
on this front. Similarly, any overlaps with the notified seeds system
(after plant varietal release processes are followed, and the released
variety is notified in an Official Gazette) should be explicitly
incorporated into the Seeds Bill through suitable sub-provisions.

10. SEED TESTING LABS: All seed testing labs related to the Act and its
implementation should be equipped to take up testing for transgenic and
gene-edited seeds also, at an LOD of at least 0.01% (and revised to match
the latest technical abilities in terms of lowering the LODs), with primers
available for event-specific testing, which also test for
suspected-to-be-illegal GM seed samples deposited by public interest
groups. There is a need for periodic audit of performance of the labs.

1. Amendment in the objective of the Bill: A bill to provide for regulating
the quality of seeds and their price for sale, import and export and to
facilitate timely availability of appropriate and adequate quantities of
diverse varieties of seed to farmers in a transparent and accountable
regime that compensates farmers for losses due to poor quality seed, and
for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

2. In “Preliminary”, Section 1, Clause 3, Sub-clause (b): “provided that
nothing in this Act shall restrict the rights of the farmer to grow, save,
use, exchange, barter, share or sell his/her farm seed and planting
material except when s/he sells such seed or planting material under a
brand name already registered under this Act”.

3. In the “Definitions” section, sub-section 2, insert: “Branded seed is
such seed that is expressly sold in a packed container with a label and
under a trade name, and cannot be farmers’ varieties”.

4. In the Definitions section, Section 2, sub-section 11: amend to “Farmer
means any person engaged in the economic and livelihood activity of
agriculture, who cultivates crops or other primary agricultural
commodities, either by cultivating the land her/himself or through any
other person, with or without land ownership, but does not include any
individual, company, trader or dealer who engages in the procurement and
sale of seeds on a commercial basis”.

5. In the Definitions section, Section 2, sub-section 12: Revert back to
the definition of Horticulture nursery and do not limit to Fruit Nursery.

6. In the Definitions section, Section 2, sub-section 20: “Producer means
any person, group of persons, firm or organization which grows or organizes
the production of seed for commercial purpose, but does not include a
farmer or a farmers’ organization consisting of more than 75% membership of
farmers producing seed for other farmers with government certification

7. In the Definitions section, Section 2, sub-section 21: “Registered kind
or variety” in relation to any seeds means any kind or variety thereof,
registered under Section 13, specifically understood as authorization or
licensing for commercial seed trade without any plant varietal rights

8. Section 4 on Composition of Central Seed Committee: amend 4 (4) (vi) to
– four independent specialists or experts in the field of seed development,
including from civil society organisations.

9. Section 5 on Powers & Functions of the Committee: Insert 5 (c) to the
current Section 5: “Seed Price control and Supply, including procedure for
fixing seed prices and royalties”, Insert 5 (d) as: “Compulsory licensing
of seeds where needed, especially if not covered for the variety under
PPV&FR Act 2001”, Insert 5 (e) as “Regulation of advertising of seeds where
required” and re-number the remaining list.

10. Section 7 on Registration Sub-Committee: Section 7 (2) (a): Change to
“To register seeds of varieties after scrutinizing their claims as made in
the application in such manner as may be prescribed including random
pre-registration testing”.

11. Section 11 on State Seed Committee: Amend 11 (a) to – “to register
State seed varieties suitable for the state, based on independent
verification of agronomic trials’ data and to fix prices of seeds
registered”; Add 11 (g): “to collect data and review performance of seeds
after the authorization through licensing”; Add 11(f): “to order compulsory
licensing where required”.

12. Section 14 (1) on Registration of seeds of any kind or variety: Amend
to: “No seed of any kind or variety shall, for the purposes of sowing or
planting by any person be sold, except by a farmer as defined in this Act,
unless such kind or variety is registered under Sub-Section (2)…”.

13. Section 15 on Procedure for Registration: Insert after 15 (1):
“provided that every application for registration under Section 14 shall
contain a complete passport data of the parental lines from which the kind
or variety has been derived from and wherefrom the genetic material has
been sourced and all such information relating to the contribution, if any,
of any farmer, village community, institution or organization in breeding,
evolving or developing the kind or variety”.

Correct the typo in Sec. 15 (2) to “as the case may be, shall, after such
enquiry as it deems fit,…”

14. Section 15 on Procedure for Registration: Change 15 (2) to include
pre-registration testing in the following manner: “On receipt of any
application for the registration of a kind or variety of seed, the
Registration for Varietal Performance Sub-Committee including at the state
level, shall, after such mandatory testing as required, and other such
inquiry that it deems fit and after satisfying itself that the kind or
variety of seed to which the application relates to, conforms to the claims
made by the importer or the producer/seller, as the case may be, as regards
the efficacy of the kind or variety of seed…..(REST FROM THE BILL)  and
issue a certificate of registration for performance; further provided that
such registration details will be put up in the public domain by the
Central and State Seed Committee, in a format as prescribed”.

15. Section 20 on Evaluation of Performance: Include the phrase
“independent” as suggested hereunder: “20. The Committee may, for
conducting trials to assess the performance, accredit centres of the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research, State Agricultural Universities and such
other independent organizations fulfilling the eligibility requirements as
may be prescribed, to conduct trials to evaluate the performance of any
kind or variety of seeds”.

16. Section 21 on Compensation to Farmer: The following to be substituted
as Section 20 (1): “Where the seed is sold to the farmer of a registered
kind or variety by the producer, dealer, distributor or vendor as the case
may be, s/he shall disclose the expected performance of such kind or
variety to the farmer under given growing conditions and if such registered
seed fails to provide the promised performance under such given conditions,
the farmer may claim such compensation from such producer, dealer,
distributor or vendor as may be determined by a District Level Compensation
Committee set up under this Act by the state government for the purpose
which is to adjudicate within a month of receiving the claim, provided that
such compensation is equal at least to the monetary value of the promised
performance and also compensates for the costs incurred by the farmer, and
provided that such compensation is paid to the farmer after the
Compensation Committee’s proceedings and orders within 3 months’ time”.

17. Section 22 onwards related to registration of processing units, seed
dealers and nurseries: The term licensing may be substituted for
‘registration’. The registration of Horticulture nurseries to be included,
and not just fruit nurseries of more than one hectare area.

18. Section 27 on Regulation of Sale Price in Emergent Situations:
Regulation of Sale Price in emergent situations may be deleted, and
instead, as suggested in Points 9 and 11 above, with regard to functions of
Central Seed Committee and State Seed Committee, regulation of seed prices
should be a key routine function of these Committees.

19. DELETE Section 32 completely on recognition for seed certification
agencies in territory outside India.

20. Section 34, on Central and State Seed Testing Laboratories: Add,
sub-section 34 (6) as following: “All seed testing laboratories shall be
equipped to take up testing for transgenic and gene-edited seeds also, at
an LOD of at least 0.01% (which is to be revised periodically to match the
latest technical abilities to test at lower Levels of Detection), with
primers necessary for event-specific testing; provided that such labs also
test samples deposited by public interest groups of suspected unauthorized
genetically modified seeds, transgenic or gene-edited”. Add, sub-section 34
(7) as: “all seed testing labs shall have to be audited periodically for
conforming to standards and practices as prescribed”.
21. Section 40, sub-section 1 on Import & Export of Seed: Change 40 (1) (c)
to: “All import of seed meant for commercial purposes shall be subject to
registration as may be granted on the basis of information furnished by the
importer as well as the results of multi-locational trials conducted in
such an independent manner and for such period as may be prescribed to
establish performance in India and specifically in the agro-ecological
areas where the seed is sought to be sold. Further provided that no seed
including transgenic seeds being commercially cultivated or field-tested in
other countries, included in Schedule XYZ of the Act can be imported into

22. Section 42 on Offences and Punishment: Substitute the following after
‘be punishable with’ – “a fine in proportion to the damage caused, and
quantity of seed supplied or stocked or turnover value to cover real and
potential loss to farmers, which shall not be less than Rs. 500000/- (five
lakh rupees), which may extend to Rs. 10,00,000 (ten lakh rupees) and
imprisonment for three months to one year, in addition to seizure or
attachment of assets of the offender. Further, any individual or company
convicted under this Act may be banned from any seed-related activity by
the state government upon subsequent convictions. The state seed committee
and central seed committee, as the case may be, shall publish a list of all
seed producers and dealers/distributors/stockists/nurseries whose
registration of variety has been cancelled, and those who have been charged
with contravention of the provisions of the Act”.

23. Section 47 on ‘Exemptions from Provisions of Act’: Add to ‘any
educational, scientific, research or extension organisation’, “farmer
producer organisations”.

*The Draft Bill must be translated in the Indian languages at the
earliest. *Government has plans to table the Seeds Bill in the coming
session of Parliament commencing from *November 18. *

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