I  did several tests in gretl 1.8.4 under winXP and identified the
problem I mentioned might be due to UTF-8 characters within the name
of the graph. For example, if I run

"figure 2-3" <- gnuplot djclose --with-lines --time-series

It works as normal. But if I run, instead,
"figure 2-3XX" <- gnuplot djclose --with-lines --time-series

(XX denotes a double-byte chinese character). Though it shows no error
in the command Console. But when I double-click the icon in Icon
Views, I got an error message "unspecified error" and a pop-up windows
showed as following. Any clue about this error?



set term pngcairo font "NSimSun,10" size 680,400
set output 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application
set encoding utf8
set style line 1 lc rgb "#ff0000"
set style line 2 lc rgb "#0000ff"
set style line 3 lc rgb "#00cc00"
set style line 4 lc rgb "#bf25b2"
set style line 5 lc rgb "#8faab3"
set style line 6 lc rgb "#ffa500"
set style increment user
# timeseries 5 (letterbox)
set xlabel ''
set xzeroaxis
set datafile missing "?"
set ylabel 'djclose'
set nokey
set xrange [1979.753006:1990.241507]
plot \
 '-' using 1:($2) title "" w lines
1980.002732 824.57
1980.005464 820.31
1980.008197 828.84
1989.986301 2724.4
1989.989041 2732.3
1989.991781 2753.2
set print 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application
print "pixel_bounds: ", GPVAL_TERM_XMIN, GPVAL_TERM_XMAX,
print "data_bounds: ", GPVAL_X_MIN, GPVAL_X_MAX, GPVAL_Y_MIN, GPVAL_Y_MAX

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