
[Changing the title of the thread to better reflect the subject]

>From: Robert Raszuk [] >Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 
>11:25 AM
>Hello Bruno,
>Excellent - this is exactly what we discussed in the past. But when I
>read the draft before sending email yesterday unfortunately it does not
>say so that clearly at all - regarding the IBGP case ;(

If the draft is not clear enough, we always welcome comments. Do you have 
specific comments that we should add in the draft? 

The following section of the draft recaps the actions to be performed. 

" BGP implementation support for G-Shut


   Upon a session shutdown specified as graceful by the operator, a BGP
   implementation supporting a g-shut feature SHOULD:

   1.   Update all the paths propagated over the corresponding eBGP
        session, tagging the GSHUT community to them.  Any subsequent
        update sent to the session being gracefully shut down would be
        tagged with the GSHUT community.
   2.   Lower the local preference value of the paths received over the
        eBGP session being shut down, upon their propagation over iBGP
        sessions.  Optionally, also tag these paths with an AS specific
        g-shut community.  Note that alternatively, the local preference
        of the paths received over the eBGP session can be lowered on
        the g-shut initiator itself, instead of only when propagating
        over its iBGP sessions."

At least to me, seems clear that the community is used on the eBGP side and 
LOCAL_PREF is used on the iBGP side. Eventually we could to the following 
- :s/local preference/LOCAL_PREF
- May be start the sentence of 1. and 2. with: "on the eBGP side", "on the iBGP 

Others comments welcomed.

>         iBGP         eBGP
>PE1 ---- P ---- PE2 ====== PE3
>The scenario I had in mind was we are receiving errored UPDATE msg from
>PE3 to PE2, PE2 treats as withdraw the parsable NLRIs then for the reast
>the thread so far indicated to inject g-shut community.
>While injecting G_SHUT would not hurt and would allow for example PE1 to
>propagate it downstream in the same time error handling draft should
>IMHO me explicit to say we are advertising from PE2 towards it's AS with
>lowest LOCAL_PREF and G_SHUT.
>  Pre-configuration
>    On each ASBR supporting the g-shut procedure, an outbound BGP route
>    policy is applied on all iBGP sessions of the ASBR, that:
>    o    matches the g-shut community
>    o    sets the local-pref of the paths tagged with the g-shut
>         community to a low value
>Here in out case we do not match on g-shut as g-shut is not received
>from EBGP.
>Also perhaps it would be great to just copy and paste the quote from the
>previous email directly to a deployment section of the draft.

Sorry the given the amount of emails, could you please be a little more 
specific? (e.g. which quote).

Thanks for the useful comments.
Best regards,

>Best regards,
>> Robert,
>>> From: Robert Raszuk Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 11:00 PM
>>> Jeff,
>>> I do not understand why we are not going to re-advertise "good" routes
>>> with lowest local preference which would not result in holes of some
>>> boxes understanding g-shut community and some not.
>> What you propose (using LOCAL_PREF) is what the g-shut draft also propose.
>>> In fact I spoke to Bruno in the past on that and I was hoping we all
>>> converged that g-shut community would be used only on the EBGP side to
>>> indicate to the peer that it should in turn lower local pref on his
>>> side.
>> The g-shut community has always been used to signal the ghsut only on the
>eBGP side. On the iBGP side, LOCAL_PREF has always been used.
>>> Apparently g-shut draft still calls for this new community to be
>>> used both on iBGP and eBGP side.
>> On the iBGP side, LOCAL_PREF is used to lower the preference of the g-shut
>> In _addition_ to this, the g-shut community is attached for _informational_
>purpose. Because some AS internal BGP policy may have a need to know that the
>route is being g-shut. And it's cleaner to use a community to provide the root
>cause rather than try to guess from the low LOCAL_PREF the root cause.
>> Regards,
>> Bruno
>>> Regards,
>>> R.
>>>> On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 03:32:52PM -0500, Tony Li wrote:
>>>>> Understood.  I have no issues with withdrawn routes.  The issue is with g-
>>> shut routes that continue to sink traffic.
>>>> Perhaps I'm unclear on your reservations.
>>>> If we don't go through something like graceful shutdown and leave the
>>>> peering session up, we're potentially going to pull significantly more
>>>> traffic toward the "bad" peering session than if we didn't do such a thing.
>>>> -- Jeff
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