On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 08:51:40PM +0000, Thomas King wrote:
> we submitted this document in order to unify and simplify triggering
> blackholing at IXPs. We propose to define a well-known BGP community
> for this.
> Any feedback is highly appreciated.

In every single RBTH implementation I know of (on the operator side, not
the IXP RS side), NO_EXPORT is added to routes which have passed the IRR
filters and are requested to be blackholed.

Should Network A accept a route tagged with BLACKHOLEIXP, and not add
NO_EXPORT, it might distribute the route to Network A's peers. If these
peers accept said route, they are likely to have accepted the most
specific version of that route, and network A might unwillingly be
drawing additional traffic towards itself.

Another remark, should you decide to rename BLACKHOLEIXP to just
BLACKHOLE, you might want to replace the references to "IXP" throughout
the document and make it more general.

Kind regards,


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