Hi all,

 > From: Job Snijders [mailto:j...@ntt.net]
 > Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 4:05 PM
 > Hi GROW,
 > I've compiled a todo list to outline the next steps for the
 > draft-ietf-grow-bgp-session-culling document.

 > BGP g-shut (possible action for Bruno et al)
 > --------------------------------------------
 > Bruno promised a new, fresh version of draft-ietf-grow-bgp-gshut which
 > would focus on the rfc1997 well-known community 65535:0 - I would
 > appreciate if this is posted at some point so we can make an Informative
 > reference to a non-zombie draft.  NTT (as2914) & Coloclue (as8283)
 > implemented experimental rfc1997 gshut support for customers and it
 > appears to work as advertise (no pun intended ;-).
https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-grow-bgp-gshut-07 has just been posted 
and addresses the above point.

As previously discussed on the list, the main technical change is the focus, 
for the eBGP signaling, on the use of a well-known BGP community.
In other word, the alternative option to use a non-transitive community has 
been removed, following latest IDR discussion on community and the lack of 
implementation (hence IDR WG progress) of 
draft-ietf-idr-reserved-extended-communities / 
As a benefit, this draft is now aligned with:
- the BGP gshut/planned maintenance implementations disclosed on this list 
- the deployed usage

Thanks to Job for the in-depth review, comments, and reminders to update the 



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